33. Don't Let The Light Go Out

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"Oh, you're back! Thank God!" America engulfs you in a hug, and you quickly tap her back a couple of times.

"Yeah, yeah, what happened? What trouble is there?" you ask, looking around the room, then noticing that you're out of your robes and dressed in a shirt.

"What?" Stephen asks, loudly, closing the book and looking more nervous than he is usually around you.

"Trouble! What's happening? I've been warned that something is happening." you catch your breath and get out of bed, already grabbing a jacket from the rack. "Stephen!"

He looks guiltily at the ground before forcing himself to lift his head towards you. "We think the incursion has started."

"What?! Why are you still here, we have to go, to do something. Anything!" you grab the door handle and run into the corridor, hurrying to the lobby.

"Y/n, wait, Mordo's dealing with it..." Stephen's words echo in the place, and you stop mid-step.


"I could use the help of the Sorcerer Supreme if she's already up!" Mordo shouts after hearing your voice ring in the corridor.

You stop at the top of the stairs and look at the view at the end of them - Mordo, alone, creating various spell combinations, stands in the middle of the lobby, a huge book open on the table near him. A table that is slowly disappearing into thin air.

"What the hell..." you whisper and, as fast as possible, run down the stairs to the man. "When did it start? When did you start?" you ask him, gesturing first at the table, and then at the open book.

"Since you fell into Nightmare's trap, probably. And maybe half an hour ago." Mordo says not looking at you but focusing on the book.

"How long I've been out?" you ask Strange, who appears at the top of the stairs.

"Couple of hours."

"In that shithole, time goes differently. Fuck. Alright, how bad is it?" you say and drop your jacket on the ground, already taking a step towards Mordo, looking at the spells he's performing.

"You're in no condition to do anything! How did you even manage to escape?" Mordo asks, quickly glancing at you.

"Didn't you say a moment ago that you needed help? Anyway." you roll your eyes and, reading a spell twice, begin the incantation. "Some dimensional traveler helped me."

"Really? Who?" Stephen asks, reading the spell too.

"Some girl." you purposely did not mention her name. "I almost got out."

"I'm really glad you're back." Strange shoots a quick smile before casting a spell. America watches three powerful sorcerers unite for the first time in perhaps forever, for the greater good.

"You do know that you'll have to leave. Along with the girl." Mordo says, eyeing Strange and you.

"Girl stays. She's not dangerous. I am the one who caused this. I leave." Stephen says, focusing entirely on his hands and not the people beside him.

"Don't boss me around, especially when I have to fix your mess," Mordo says through gritted teeth.

"I wanna remind who gives orders now. And it's not you. He is... Grown enough to decide for himself. Although as a guardian of this universe, I think it would be best for Mister Strange to..." words get stuck in your throat. You had to make a decision, as hurtful as it is. But it's for the best. "To temporary put his journeys to this universe on hold."

The lobby becomes silent. Strange looks at the floor, Mordo's hands drop to his sides, he turns with his whole body to look at you. "Never have I expected for you to make such a smart decision. I see the title has really changed you. For the better, I hope."

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now