5. Give Me All Your Lovin'

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A little longer and spicy chapter 😉


He's been eyeing you throughout the whole ceremony. Eyes piercing right through your soul and astral form. It was his decision for you to stand at the front. Stealing innocent glances now and then, often licking his lips, but you knew – it was just a game, his lips didn't get dry THAT fast. Smiling to yourself you lower your head so that Mordo wouldn't notice your smile.

He and Strange looked like best friends for everyone else standing here with you. But you knew that secretly they were competing. All the time. Since Strange came to Kamar-Taj all broken and in desperate need for guidance. Ancient One gladly accepted him, taught him everything he knew (I'm using the comics here) let him into the world with a bag of knowledge and the fate of the universe on his shoulders. Of course, Mordo felt hurt when he didn't get the spot as the Sorcerer Supreme, so he decided to become friends with Strange. That fucking honour-hungry pig.

You roll your eyes and in the corner of your vision you notice Mordo standing all proud and smiling. You have to admit, your training has been going well, the newly applied tactics were actually working. Strange thanked Mordo for the 'wonderful idea' and admitted that 'without my dear friend it wouldn't have been possible'. You clap automatically, along with every other student, all dressed in the same grey robes. Mordo takes 'the stage' and starts talking, glancing once in a while in your direction. Strange also looks at you. He's sitting on a chair, legs spread in a manly, a bit dominant way. He pretends to play with the end of his robes, trying to hide any suspicions towards him. You turn around and survey the crowd – eyes bright and yearning for knowledge, all glued to the man on the top step of the staircase. You steal a glace at Stephen, of course, he's already looking at you. You can't fucking wait until this shitshow ends. Maintaining a perfect posture is hard and the back of your neck hurts. A bath, hot bath is all you need now. Not a long ass speech about how Mordo woke up one morning and felt enlightenment.

He's been trying to romance you. Many, many times. Perhaps he felt like this was a competition between him and Strange, when the latter took an interest in you. Talks in the yard in the late evening, permissions to use more advanced books, right from the Sorcerer Supreme's collection, and repeatedly occurring taps on your shoulder. Mordo picked up on a subtle hints as well, and tried to sway you to his side – tea, which was 'personally made by him from the best tea leaves in the world', sweets and chocolates on your bed, books that had nothing to do with sorcery and he picked those for his best student when he was away, on an important business trip. You did nothing about it. Weirdly enough, the attention from two men was pleasing and welcomed, but Mordo gave up as he saw a little scene in the courtyard recently, when Strange kissed your cheek. Nothing romantical, he was just grateful when you helped him find the spell that he was looking for the whole week. The gifts and sweets stopped; tea breaks became only a rare, professional occasion. You and Strange, on the other hand, began meeting more often. Portals open to New York, breakfast in cafes, late night visits to your chamber. Couple of hook-ups here and there, and you were falling for the ex-surgeon faster than failing student's math grades.

"Thank you, my friends for everything, only you made it work, thank you" Mordo says humbled and bows to the crowd before him. Stephen stands up and joins in the applause. Mordo disappears somewhere inside, and everyone falls into chatter, slowly moving towards their rooms. You linger, waiting for certain someone to approach you. Stephen, passing by, a serious look on his face, slips a note into your hand and disappears in the sea of grey.

'5 minutes, your room' the note says and as you read it, the text burns out and disappears. You look around to make sure no one saw the encounter and speed a bit towards you room. As you reach it, and sit down on your bed, ready to take these uncomfortable boots off, two quick knocks on your door signal that your five minutes are over. You jump and hurry to open the doors and see Stephen standing with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He checks if no one saw him come here and locks the door behind him.

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