29. Overwhelmed

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Few steps until the little stage the sorcerers made for the special occasion, you remember the deal you made with the demon. Learning and using chaos magic, traveling the multiverse, now becoming Sorcerer Supreme... Which one of these things Channok will see as the peak of your power? When will he take away your magic? You shake your head and take a deep breath before walking up few steps on the stage.

Briefly looking at the crowd, you notice Leta sitting at the front, looking a bit odd in the sea of grey and red robes, and America with Strange sitting behind her. You take a deep breath and walk towards Mordo, who's patiently standing in the middle of the stage. Without Cloak on your shoulders you feel exposed, much to Cloaky's dismay, you couldn't bring it to the ceremony.

Some murmuring is heard, but you pay no attention to it and stand straight before Mordo whose expression is hard to read. You bow to him, thankfully one last time, and fix your belt. Everyone falls silent and wait for Mordo to begin speaking.

"My friends, brothers and sisters. Today we gathered here to announce a new Sorcerer Supreme. My dear and beloved friend, my colleague and apprentice, y/n will take the title and swear an oath. For personal reasons, I will no longer own the title and leave the magical world, but I'm sure you all as well as the whole world will be safe in good arms." he says and takes a deep breath.

A round of shy applause is heard as every sorcerer finds Mordo's decision to leave weird. You steal a look at Stephen and America, both sitting close to each other and notice how the girl is holding the sleeve of Stephen's robes tightly.

"Do you, y/n y/l/n, accept the highest title of the Sorcerer Supreme?" Mordo asks loudly.

"Yes, I do."

"Do you swear to protect the Earth against any possible threats?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you swear to sacrifice your life if needed in order to save the world?"

"Yes. I do."

"Do you swear to seek more knowledge and share it with the others?"

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Then I, Baron Karl Mordo, pass on the title of the Sorcerer Supreme to you, y/n y/l/n." Mordo bows to you and pulls the Eye of Agamotto from his pocket, putting it around your neck. Ironically, you haven't seen the relic since Stephen had it.

Everyone applauds you, and you turn to the crowd of sorcerers. "Thank you, for the opportunity to serve and protect you. I'll do my best to keep us in the level we are now and maybe even bring us up." you bow to the crowd and see how everyone stands up and bows to you, even Leta and America. You smile brightly and turn to go down the stairs. Sorcerers begin to leave, and you're almost knocked down by Leta's hug.

"I'm so proud of you." she sniffles into your shoulder, and you pat her back.

"I forgot to congratulate you with all this madness going." you say and touch her cheeks, "you're gonna be a great mom." she quickly kisses your left cheek and then lets you go.

"There's someone waiting for you." she says mysteriously, and you see a figure emerging from the sea of sorcerers, dressed in black, glasses resting on top of his bald head -

"Dad?" you say and run towards the man.

"Oh, my girl! I'm so, so proud of you" he rocks you from side to side, holding you tightly.

"Dad... I wanted to visit, but I'm sorry, I completely forgot, I didn't have time to even ca-"

"Shh, it's okay, I heard on the news what happened, I understand, don't blame yourself. You can visit me next time." he says, holding your hands in his, you notice that they are colder than they used to be.

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