19. The Impulse Theory

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An early morning breeze hits your face, and you take a deep breath. Stephen walks out of the portal and goes toward the library building.

"Wong said he's gonna be there. I also have a matter to attend, so I guess we're walking together." he says, forcing himself to not divert his eyes from you.

"Oh, good." you answer, looking at the ground. Lonely leaves surf around your feet, chasing each other. You feel indescribable loneliness in your heart, knowing that these are last moments with people you've bonded so quickly.

Strange opens doors for you, and you exchange glances, shy smiles. Stepping into the library, you feel like you're back at home, even the smell of old books and jasmine tea is the same. Wong is already sitting at the small table, waiting for you.

"Miss Y/l/n! Good morning!" he says, getting up.

"Master Wong," you bow, "hello."

"Please, take a seat. Tea?"

"Oh, yes, thank you." you smile, grateful that he agreed to talk to you.

"So, Strange told me that you wanted to talk to me about something." he begins, pouring the tea from the teapot.

"Yes. I uh. I wanted to talk about America."

"Miss Chavez?"

"Yes, yes. I have sort of a theory that I wanted to clear up with you." in the corner of your eye you see Strange disappearing somewhere in the bookshelves. It's obvious that he's going to eavesdrop on you.

"Well, I hope I can help, what's the matter?" Wong asks, now interested.

"Well, in my universe, the heroes, or the organization called Illuminati knew quite a lot about the incursions. Or at least they thought they did. So uh, in short, an incursion is when two universes begin colliding, or when the stronger one destroys the other, and that happens when someone who is not supposed to be in that universe is there. In this case, me. I can't stay here for too long because your world will begin to fall apart. And mine probably too. But it's not about me or Stephen or-" you take a breath, wanting to say everything as fast as you can. "I've been thinking. Since America has powers to travel the multiverse, does she affect the universes she comes to? As far as I know, she's from another universe, so can she cause an incursion?"

Wong sits there for a moment without saying anything, and then quite loudly begins, "I believe Miss Chavez told us that she doesn't dream, thus menacing that she hasn't found a version or herself, or it simply doesn't exist, right Strange?"

You turn around and see Stephen emerging from the shadows with a book in his hands. Of course, he's been listening.

"Yes. Her being an only person in the whole multiverse, probably doesn't trigger incursion. Well, since there is no possibility for her to meet another her on the street." Stephen says, pretending to search for a certain page in the book.

"Oh, now that changes a lot. And you're now going to teach her Mystic Arts, right?"

"Yes. As much as she wants. Her controlling her multiverse traveling powers is not enough, she has to understand them and understand herself." Wong answers.

You take a sip of tea, feeling all the tension leave your body. "Well, now that one problem is solved, onto another." you say, not looking at Stephen but feeling his eyes on you. "How often does the Third Eye open?"

Wong puts his cup on the table and thinks for a moment. "You have any particular cases in mind?"

"Well, in the universe which was almost destroyed by the incursion, we met a version of Strange. And he had a Third Eye. I know that it's not a very common phenomenon, but maybe you, as the Sorcerer Supreme, know more about it?"

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