11. Do(n't) Fear The Reaper

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Still pulling you by the hair, limping horribly, Wanda manages to catch up with the runners - Strange, America and Christine. Strange turns around to back and looks horrified at the scene.

"Run!" you shout to him, but Wanda sends a blow to your stomach, shutting you up for a moment. The pain is unbearable, just like the day you lost your Strange.

"Y/n!" Strange calls back, stopping momentarily, but Christine quickly yanks him back. They begin running again, all you see through the thick curtain of tears is Strange's Cloak swinging on his back. Suddenly, Wanda stops - Christine closed the heavy doors, that are all-things-proof. But nothing is Scarlet-Witch-proof. She uses her full power, breaking the doors and pulling you after her again. You see the outlines of three people again, running, merging into one at times, and your head feels like it's made of stones.

Suddenly, Strange stops and tries to negotiate. "Wanda, let her go."

"You give me what I need, Strange!" she's furious, you can feel the pain in your abdomen intensify with her every word.

"Wanda, please."

"I warned you." Wanda spits out every word clearly, and you finally let out a scream of pain.

Looking at you apologetically, Strange mutters, "Other Wanda, if you're in there, hold your breath."

A huge wave of water comes down on you and Wanda, pushing you both on the ground. The impact is so strong that Wanda let's go of your hair, and you roll two steps away from her.
The water's still falling on your heads, and you feel like you're unable to function like a normal human being - ears full of water, you don't hear anything except for the terrible ringing, your nose is burning, lungs are desperately trying to get some oxygen, your whole body's numb and exhausted from the pain. Your vision gets darker and darker with every second, and you feel like your body is not trying to save itself anymore. Your one last brain cell's quick thinking pushes your astral form out of your body. You look down at yourself, a pathetic sight really, God knows, maybe you'll be dead in a minute, but now you gotta catch up and warn Strange. Thankfully, you can speed up as you float weightlessly through the sewers, turning back to see Wanda coming to consciousness. You see Strange, standing right next to the door he needs to open, but he's not doing anything. Why? What's he waiting for. You're finally close enough to show yourself to them - Christine lets out a shriek again, Strange looks at you in shock.

"The watch - the one you always wear - it's the key, hurry up, you don't have much time, she's getting up" you say hurriedly, feeling how your clock is ticking faster.

"Y/n oh my god" America says, eyes teary, she's probably thinking that you're a ghost already.

Strange does what he's told, the doors open, and he sees the most beautiful yet disturbing place in the world. The Gap Junction. On the high column, you see the shiny thing - Book of Vishanti. He turns back to look at your astral form, that's getting clearer and clearer with every breath.

"GO, take the book, I have to return to my body. Save her. " You plead and leave immediately, not wanting to engage into another delaying conversation.

Hastily, you return to your body, taking a deep breath immediately. You look around and see that Wanda has left you to die alone, luckily, Cloaky sat you, so you wouldn't choke on the still flowing water. With all your strength, you send a spell to the top, stopping the waterfall. You see Wanda disappearing behind the next turn, and try to get up. Cloak pushes you slightly and lifts you up a bit.

"Oh, Cloaky." you sigh, grateful for the flying piece of clothing. Feeling your heart beating in your chest, you take a moment to be grateful for being alive. Although the pain in your body told you that being dead would now be the best option.

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now