24. My Way of Life

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Just as the portal behind you closes, a young student appears in front of you.

"Miss, the Sorcerer Supreme wants to see you." he bows a little to you, and you grit your teeth together. What is that fucker still doing here?

"Thank you." you nod and taking long strides, go inside the building. Mordo is standing, his back turned to you, looking at the painting of a famous sorcerer on the wall.

"What?" you ask just as you walk up the last stair.

He turns around with a grimace on his face, which probably is supposed to look like a smirk. Eyes quickly look up and down your attire, staying longer on your AC/DC shirt. You raise your eyebrow and wait until he opens his mouth.

"I thought I will see you here much earlier. Something happened?" voice now sweet as honey, he is definitely playing a game.

"Even if the moon crashed into Earth, I wouldn't be the one to tell you that," you answer, anger flashing in your eyes.

"Oh, that's a bad attitude for future Sorcerer Supreme. You know how they say, sharing is caring." He walks a bit closer to you, hands behind his back.

"Well, does it look like I care about you?" you scoff. Fingers tightly grasp the sling ring in your pocket.

"Y/n, it will be an honour to give you the title of the Sorcerer Supreme. Truly." not even a single muscle on his face moves. Does that man even have any feelings?

"Oh, really? I thought that you wanted to hold onto the title for as long as you can. But I guess after there are no Illuminati members to support you, you have no reason to fight, right?" you begin pacing, and he does the same. Circling together as hungry vultures fighting for the last bite of meat, you try to guess what's on his mind.

"Oh, y/n, y/n." he sighs, shaking his head a bit. "There once was a time when I would've died for you. But now? You're just a bitch. I can't wait to see how everything crumbles in your hands."

The statement makes you smile. "Mordo, if you ever saw anything further than your nose, you would have been a great mentor."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Although the Ancient One used to praise me for my combat skills." he looks around, and you do the same, a plan already forming in your head. This whole interaction could end in two ways. Either with a fight or an argument.

"Yeah? Well, when Stephen was in charge, he praised me for a lot more than combat skills," you smirk, watching him bite the inside of his cheek.

"I think that my, as still, the Sorcerer Supreme duty is to check your competence," he says after a moment.

"Yeah? I wonder how you're going to do that."

"There is one way." he stands in a fighting position, drawing his hands in front of him, balled into fists.

You do the same without waiting, knowing Mordo, he was quick to attack, without giving the opponent time to prepare. "Hand-to-hand combat? Haven't kicked your ass in a while." you take off your jacket, secretly securing your sling ring in the pocket of your jeans.

"Don't be so full of yourself, I think you know how that ended up for Strange," he tells, stepping closer to you and swinging his fist immediately, merely missing your face by an inch.

You get annoyed instantly, stepping aside and throwing a punch to his stomach. A groan escapes his lips but he doesn't move much, almost punching you again.

"You think you can beat me? I had to peel your ass off the floor after every fight," he smirks, thinking that he's got the high ground now.

"Maybe I didn't want to give you a small dick complex? Never thought of that?" you say, trying to distract him with words.

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