15. Ain't No Sunshine

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"Nice scarf." you say, smiling as the sun hits your face, and you put up your hand, trying to hide your eyes from it. You look up at Stephen, walking slowly beside you, he offers you a modest smile back. As always, not used to compliments. This is definitely the 'Strange stuff' all Stephens have.

"So, you're really returning to your universe tomorrow? No last minute change of plans?" he asks, looking up and down. His jacket really looked good on you.

"Yeah. Can't stay for too long. This might cause an incursion." you sigh sadly. The hours spent here, made you fall in love with the beauty of the city. People were not as cheery as they were in your universe, but the atmosphere was welcoming. And the sun shining was a promise for a better tomorrow.
You catch yourself getting attached to this place already. And people. And Stephen Strange walking beside you. Idiot.

"You know," he begins, awkwardly putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Damn, he looked good wearing simple clothes. "I'm really gonna miss you."

"Stephen, let's push the bitter goodbyes for as long as we can." you rapidly blink so that tears in your eyes would disappear faster.

A moment of silence passes through, you then turn to look at him, grinning, "I like this jacket, it has so many pockets. And this one, here, is absolutely unnecessary." you point at the one that's on your chest.

"You can keep something small there. Like tea leaves or tobacco." he smirks.

"Tea leaves? Why would I walk with tea leaves in my pocket? This is ridiculous." you laugh, not believing the corniness of this man. "You smoke?"

"No." he answers, without hesitation. Not lying.

"Good. Don't start."

"I have a doctor's degree, I think I know that smoking is bad."

"Well, I thought you have forgotten it already, as now you're more than just a man with a doctor's degree. Besides, tobacco smell can keep away those pesky creatures that invade your dreams." you say, sounding mysterious.

"Oh, really?" he smirks.

"No, I'm just messing with you." you laugh, accidentally bumping into his arm. "Is the Café on the 20th street still the best one in New York?" you ask, stopping near the pedestrian crossing.


"Thought so. Black coffee, two sugars?"

"Yeah." he answers, looking at you weirdly.

"Oh, you're all the same." you giggle knowingly.

"Stop, we can't all be identical."

"Okay, so tell me something that is unique about you" you challenge, crossing the street as the green lights up - America told you that in some universes, differently from yours, people walk on green.

"Well, I sent Loki flying somewhere in between worlds for half an hour."

"Brutal. But not unique. Even I could do it."

He pretends to be hurt at your remark. "I think I had something to do with the opening of the Multiverse." This picks up your interest.

"You think? So, you're not entirely positive about opening your universe to the multiverse?"

"My mind's a bit foggy there, don't blame me."

"I'm not blaming you. Just thinking out loud." You say before he gets defensive again.

"I want you to go to Kamar-Taj tonight with me." he says after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, okay. Wanted to meet the Sorcerer Supreme anyway."

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now