2. Strange meetings, Strange turns

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After a long morning of training the beginner students, you decide to go to New York. You just can't stand spending the whole day being watched by Mordo whose eyes are following your every step. He was still the same Mordo, even when Stephen was alive, you always felt someone's eyes on your back. Creeps continue being creeps, and he was one of them, for sure.

Putting on your sling ring, you fix your robes before they change colors from olive to sky blue - a little detail that was disliked by the ones who worshiped Mordo as the Sorcerer Supreme and supported by those who still lingered in Strange's era as a Sorcerer Supreme. Your robes were a little tribute to Stephen. Sky blue - just like his eyes.

A portal is opened to New York Sanctum and you step onto the curb. Streets are full of people buzzing around, all silently living the same lives, only in different forms. No one really pays much attention to you, but those who do, greet you with smiles. They remember you. But soon a memory of you will fade away, you're pretty sure of it.

Right on the other side of the street stands tall a glorious statue. The Illuminati built the statue as a tribute to Stephen's sacrifice, but honestly, they just created a false feeling of safety for the people. You despised it, but deep down you knew that it was the only thing left in the world that looked like him. Of course, if we don't count the 'Strange Museum' which seemed like a total nuts idea, but Xavier was persistent on it.
Only Cloaky manages to bring a smile to your face there, although, trapped under the big glass box, it can't do much. Stephen wanted to leave it to you, he told you that after they beat Thanos, and he announced his decision, his heroic way to go out. Peggy was heavily against the idea. So that's how Cloaky turned into a piece of clothing again.

No one in the Illuminati really liked you, except Charles and probably Black Bolt, although the latter is not a very expressive guy. Maria is so full of herself, but she's really good, even if you hate her, the respect is always there. Mordo? Oh, when he learned that he was gonna be officially in the Illuminati, he almost pissed his pants. But he had to bring you with him as well. Dead man's last wish.

Your daily brooding before the Strange statue is interrupted by an impatient tap on your shoulder. Still lost in your memories, you turn your head and see a young girl with a bit bruised cheek and dressed very... American?

"Hm, excuse me, Miss, do you know where's the Master of the Sanctum?"

"The Ma-" you turn your head and in the Shadow of the Sanctum you see a strangely familiar face. Your legs feel like they were cemented into the pavement and mouth rudely open, you stared at the man. Finally, some part of you came back into your body, and you managed to say one word, in which you put all your feelings and emotions "Stephen?"

"Do I know you?" a little gruff voice answered, or rather asked a question.

But before you said anything, the girl on your right exclaimed, "you know him? Thank God."

You stepped a bit closer, so you could see him better. Strange looked at America a bit alarmed, but your robes made clear that you and him were forged in the same magical workshop. His face was bruised too. A different Cloak, maybe this one looked better on him. Blue robes, although a different shade. These brought out the color of his eyes. Hm. And a goatee? Weird. Your Stephen always liked to be clean shaved, but you would be lying if you said that a beard didn't suit him. Full lips, oh those lips that she wished to kiss once more. You took another step closer and almost wanted to touch his cheek, but halfway retreated. The look on his face was unreadable, but you knew that he was searching for an image of you somewhere in the depths of his genius-brain.

"I really don't remember you" he finally said after a long silent moment when you did not answer him. "Were you one of the students at Kamar-Taj or something?"

"I... I'm y/n" you stretched your hand towards him. Good manners, or just desperation for some kind of contact with him? Both.

Strange eyed you suspiciously before stretching out his own hand, and when your hands finally made contact, you felt alive again.

"I'm a sorceress and now an apprentice of the current Sorcerer Supreme." you finished your sentence with a hardened face. For America, you looked serious but for Strange the emotion in your face felt different.

You remembered the girl beside you and stretched your hand as well, America didn't hesitate and eagerly took it. The feeling of happiness returned to your body, but it never felt that way before.

"So, your Master is not Strange?" Stephen got straight to business, just like he always did.

"No, it's-" you didn't get to finish, as the Sanctum's door was opened widely and the face you dislike the most appeared in the doorway. Strange turned back to look at you in disbelief, and you just rolled your eyes.

Mordo's glance fell to you, and you saw how his eyes made these angry little lightnings - he never liked when you wore your bright blue robes, especially in public. His reasoning was that 'you might remind people of Stephen too much, and their hearts still did not heal for the loss of our brother'. Yeah? Eat shit.

"Oh, shit." Strange says.

"You know him?" America asks, looking between the three of you. You stay silent, a hard look in your eyes.

"Yeah. Mordo. He's actually the first guy who let me into Kamar-Taj." Mordo steps out the door, getting closer to you.

"Oh, great." the girl smiles and looks at you expectantly, but you don't return the smile.

" And then he snapped and dedicated his life trying to kill me." Stephen finishes.

"Oh... Great."

"I always suspected this day would come." Mordo finally says as he reaches Strange. Yeah, yeah, as if he saw the fucking future.

"You did?" Stephen asks in disbelief.

"Yes. Because you always suspected this day would come. My brother." a fake smile on his face, he comes to hug Stephen, but Mordo's eyes never leave your figure. You don't break the eye contact with him. The whole scene reeks of awkwardness, and both you and America are glad that the hug is over.

" Come, and tell me everything... About your universe." Ugh, fucking suck up. Your eyes are going to be stuck on the back of your head from all the rolling, you were pretty sure about that.

Strange looked at you and America "We go on red" he shrugged and stepped into the Sanctum, America followed him. For a moment, you were left alone with Mordo. He looked at you and with a fake smile and honey-filled voice tried to tame you.

"Y/n, will you help me?"

"With what? You want to hurt them?" you whisper, shout, afraid that the guest might still be somewhere in the doorway.

"You know they need to be inspected. Coming from God knows where, they might endanger our universe, y/n."

You say nothing and turn to go inside, but Mordo's strong arm catches your elbow and traps you. "Please, y/n. You know, our Stephen would think it's the best decision. And, can you please change your robes. Not the best time to be a rebellious girl" he whispers in your ear, too close for your liking.

"Fine." you spit out through gritted teeth and with one pull on your belt, the robes change their color from baby blue to that sickening green - almost the same as Mordo's. Without waiting a moment longer, you free yourself from his grasp and step into the Sanctum that once was your favorite place in the world, but now carried too many bad memories.

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