28. Forbidden Ground

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[ loosely inspired by Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #18)]

"You're an idiot, you know that?" you shout just as he closes the door.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me, actually I was the best neurosurgeon in the world." he mocks you a little, waving his hands in the air.

"Why did you have to do it? Why did you perform that spell for him?" you wave your hands back at him, stepping closer.

"Because I knew that you wouldn't be able to do it!"

"Because it's dangerous!" you shout back, not caring if anyone might hear you, although New York Sanctum has been pretty empty lately.

"Because you lack strength!" he harshly pushes a finger to your chest, and you swing a little.

"Oh, I lack strength? Then you lack brain! We're never supposed to perform spells like these, Stephen!"

"There was no other way! What, you wanted that poor boy to die? I had to do it!"

"So could hundreds of other doctors in that hospital."

"They're not like me, they don't know things that I know, y/n." Stephen sighs, hands aggressively raking his hair, that became more white than ever.

"What if he doesn't survive? And you, you brought some big shit upon yourself! How are we supposed to break your promise with the fucking demon, huh?" you somehow control yourself from sweeping all the spell books from the table.

"I'll think of something." he grunts, opening and closing his hands, now fully healed thanks to the deal with the demon.

"You could've stopped them from shaking with another spell. Eldritch Magic spell." you plop on the bed, frustrated. He sits on the opposite side, backs turned to each other, you don't want to look at him now.

"I should've never brought you into this." he mutters under his breath, but you hear him perfectly.

"Well, too bad because I'm not leaving now."
Stephen scoffs loudly more to himself than to you but for some reason you take that personally. "Is this funny to you? Running around, making friends with demons and Keepers of FORBIDDEN spells?? I think the word 'forbidden' should be enough to keep you away from it."

"I swore an oath. To save lives. Not to let people die because I'm weak, y/n." he stands up, his cloak flying away in the corner and robes jumping at the sudden action.

"You're not a doctor anymore, Strange! When will you understand that? We are sorcerers now, we protect world from MAGICAL threats and don't interfere with humanly ones! Don't you remember anything that you were taught?"
You stand up as well, now both standing in front of each other, the only thing separating you from punching his face is the bed.

"You don't understand, that boy could've died."


He rolls his eyes, and this is your breaking point. You rush towards the door, but his voice reaches your ears. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Somewhere to cool off before I seriously punch you." you say and reach for the handle, but the door is locked.

"You're not going anywhere. We have to talk it out." he sits on the chair and leans on the table with one hand.

"I can open a portal -"

"You don't want to do it. Please sit." he bosses you around.

You huff and frustrated sit at the end of the bed. "Well, speak, all mighty Sorcerer Supreme or should I say surgeon?"

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now