8. Friends On The Other Side

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Being in a secret relationship with your 'boss' never stays in secret for too long. People pretty quickly sniffed out that something was going on between you and Doctor Strange. And sometimes heard muffled voices and really strange sounds coming from your room were no secret keepers either. However, as people began talking, spreading totally ridiculous rumors (one of them being that you open a portal to a strip-club and come back with a catch of the night), some, who were a bit closer than strangers at the Kamar-Taj, began directly asking you questions about Strange.

"So, how good is he?" one lazy Saturday morning when you and your friend Leta were drinking coffee on the roof of the grand theater in New York, she asked pretty straightforwardly.

"Um, sorry, what?" you ask, pulled back from your thoughts.

"How good is he?"

"Who exactly you have in mind?"

"Don't be silly, Doctor Strange, of course" she shoots you a stunning smile and wiggles her eyebrows a bit. You just laugh it off. A lot of girls in the training had a crush on Strange at some point in their lives, that was nothing new. Leta including.

"You answer to me, y/n, or you know me, I'll never leave you like a pimple on a forehead."

"That is the weirdest comparison I've ever heard. Literally traumatizing." you pretend to shudder at the thought, but honestly, it's just a distraction tactic.

"I'm serious." she says again, and you know that she's not giving up. Before you think of a decent lie, she continues, "you know, I heard something the other night when I was passing by your room."

You slightly panic but pretend to not show it. "First, why are you sneaking around at night AND in the west wing? You know we have strict rules to not leave our chambers unless a great danger occurs." you raise your eyebrow and continue, "secondly... What did you hear."

"Hey, I didn't ask you to recite the rules, okay? And not your business where I was going." pretending to be hurt, she dramatically sips her coffee. "Aaand, I heard the bed creaking. And you're definitely not rolling in your sleep THAT much."

"How does your previous question have literally anything to do with the facts you've stated?" you try to play her around, but unfortunately, not many people can fool Leta.

"I've noticed how Strange looks at you. Like he could either fuck you right there and then or take you on a romantic cruise. Don't lie to me, hun, you two are definitely up to something," she leans in closer to your face and whispers, "and not something your mamma would like to hear".

You slightly push her face away from yours, laughing "God, you're such a menace, go away, you're gonna infect me with your whorishness"

"And she says I'm the one using weird words" Leta laughs as well. Still a goofy grin on her face, she asks again, "soooo, you're gonna tell me or do I have to ask my Master?" in a high pitch voice she mocks herself "oh Mr Doctor Strange, Master Supreme, spill the beans, are you having intercourse with my friend y/n? You can't lie, I overheard you both rolling in her bed at the incredible speed last night"

You both laugh out loud before you say, terribly lying again "No, I'm definitely NOT having sex with Strange, and for the record, you had a crush on him too"

"Too? Oh, so DO have a crush on him?" you roll your eyes playfully, never has a living creature won an argument with Leta before.

"That is ridiculous reasoning. And your coffee is getting cold, smart-ass."

"Okay, okay, sneaky-links, just find a better place for your expression of primal desires, literally anyone can overhear you, and I bet I'm not even the first one who did." She puts her warm palm on yours, and you know - she's one of those friends who stick to you for the rest of your life. And they are the best people in the world.

"Any new crushes in your sight?" you ask after a comforting moment of silence.

"Maybe. That new guy looks pretty broken, I could fix him" Leta says with a serious look on her face, taking a big bite of the donut.

"That one with a scar on his hand?"

"Mhm." she murmurs with mouth still full.

"Ohhh, he's hot, definitely your type of fixable guy" you nudge her shoulder with yours.

"I just don't really know how to get to him. He seems so... closed, you know? Doesn't talk much with anyone between classes, leaves right after the last training session. I don't think I can just accidentally bump into him." Leta sighs, almost spilling her coffee on the roof.

"Maybe he needs a little more time before he can open up himself to others. God knows we all reached Kamar-Taj pretty broken."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. BUT if I need your opinion, I'll knock on your door no matter what's happening in your room, you understand?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll be putting 3 more locks on my door tonight" you answer, and she pulls you into a side-hug.

"I'm glad I can be myself with you"

"Me too, Leta, me too."

However, Leta finished her training and left the Sanctum, saying that "no matter how much I enjoyed being in this magical world, I've come to realize that's not what I want in my life." You were still talking regularly, meeting at least once a month, but deep down you both knew, that your chosen path exacts a heavy toll and one day you might not come back to visit her anymore.

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now