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Both trolls hand me a black robe to cover up my skin. At first they wanted to fight on who gets to give it to me first. In the end I pick up the discarded robe from the ground and put it on. Then the thick black bracelets for my ankles. They continue bickering. Lastly a black belt to tie the silky robe. 

They are stunned and give me instructions to head to the throne. I walk in between them as they guide me along. I have my hands together in prayer as I walk barefoot on the cold stone floor. My surroundings are pure darkness and the hints of fireflies are the only light. It's a continuous path.

I see the troll's hands are larger than my head. Each time they take a step I hear the jingles of the metal brass chains on their bodies. Their way of alerting their approach. We fairies feel safe at the sound of those tiny noises. I close my eyes and take a breath from the comfort company.

I look up to see them looking straight ahead. At around 8 feet tall and with heavy footing I till this day get scared. Their unnaturally thick bodies, used as shields each day. On my right I notice he has multiple teeth missing, an old troll. An almost bald scalp. While the one on my left, while both have hairy bodies and little coverage on their privates, has a mean burn mark on the right part of his face. Looks fresh and he seems in pain.

Trolls tend to care more about their fairies than themselves. If I had my own troll I would take care of him too. I feel like a burden sometimes when I have to be near other fairy's to be protected by their trolls.

I'm thinking about what big chores I'll have when I get home when I realize the temperature has dropped. Sitting in front of us is Death. When I think of him I think of, "where we need life there is an end to it for new change." I thought of it after meeting him. The cold wind blows my long brown hair behind me. If I were to touch my forehead it'd be cold. I flinch when his first words resonate.

"I called you here today... for a little experiment. Your job is to look out for a demon, little faery." Death sits on his throne. He widens his large legs stretching his torso forward as if he doesn't know what other position to go by. Damn still a giant.

"I've never sent a demon to the human world. I want you to swear on your life he'll be mentally stable in that world." I can't believe he's sending a demon and not a chancellor one. He wouldn't have to worry about a chancellor since after the hundred souls he'd just teleport here. What if the demon becomes a devil when he realizes the amount of freedom he has?

His long black sticky crow feather hair reminds me he was bathed just before I came to see him. According to the others he doesn't leave this spot. He just sits here on his throne every waking second. Thinking. Over analyzing. Wanting to collect as many ashes as he can when he touches others knowing they deserved it. The only reason he's called Death is because whatever he touches dies. Every time anyone is called to him through a major uncontrollable migraine. I bet they try to put some distance. He seems interested in making everyone flinch. His smirks are unpredictable.

I'm cold once again from his aura even though I see no snow. The black robe I have on to cover myself only makes me colder.

"Of course as your new ally I'll be there for them. In the good and bad." Death laughs in a high pitch making my ears drum from the echo on the walls. I feel useful now. Although it would be tragic if when we step foot in the human realm we get run over by a car or exposed.

"You can't get too distracted. You are known for that, little thing." He's not afraid to offend and belittle someone. I'm the shortest fairy and the one without a special gift for elemental power. I may be small at 4 feet 9 inches, but I'm more than capable of protecting myself, somewhat. As a faery I have to be careful in that other world. I've read stories of men taking advantage of women, but I'll make sure to keep my face held high and glare at anyone.

This demon he's creating will be the first to step foot in the human world. Of course my role is to observe their understanding of the world and see if it's a risk to send more demons to the other side. We can't have a devil roaming over there too. If they do then it'll be difficult to track them and take them to Death.

Death leans down to the ground. Scoops up a prepared pill of ashes his wife made. To think I have to be careful of my step since all this "dirt," I mean "ashes" is of the death's he causes. He then presses it together as if it were a fly he's crushing. He opens his palms and there lays what looks like a teenage boy with blank trousers. He places the boy on the ground. I run to him, kneel down to hug him.

"A fairy whose gem turns out to be a stone won't last, but prove me wrong." He smirks. I'm definitely gonna prove him wrong. Even though all fairy's are created from a precious gemstone, mine is an ugly stone.

I proceed to leave, carrying the skinny boy. My destination is the pedestal. I glance behind me and it reminds me of the boogeyman starting with a wide smile. I grab the boy's shoulders and hurry him to the platform. Humans come up with real things.

My only goal is to be at the side of the new demon created. A young child to develop overtime. An experiment of his to know what a demon's potential is when placed in unfamiliar land with unnatural anatomy.

Demons created by the ashes are formed to look identical to past monsters. The demon I'm helping looks human to camouflage in the human world.

Once we're on top of the circular platform at my feet I concentrate on where I need to go next. I hold onto the child's hand. On accident I think of Cloud. When I do we're in her realm. On top of a grass hill. The bright sun is like a lightbulb in the sky. I use my hands to shield my eyes and so does my demon. We just see an endless field of grass with shiny diamonds floating above them.

There she is grinning at her land. The softest illusion. Our creator. The perfect picture. A cloud sitting on a cloud. Outstretching her arms to the grass. Her shadow frightens her, but she composes herself and her white eyes look toward me.

She waves and smiles at me.

"Please come. Feel the breeze with me." Her voices echos and is very hipper. Unfortunately I don't have time for peace. She doesn't understand that reality is not only peace, it's dealing with what is around you. It's sad knowing you create and you never know how their lives come out in the end. We tend to move forward while her sole purpose is to make new life from the souls the demons consume.

I shake my head. Rejecting her isn't hard. Was that a tear falling from her cheek? I don't think about it too much as I'm already here at the so-called barn Death had asked Cloud to create.

"Hey, you okay?" Those are his first words to me and my heart aches. No, I don't know what to expect.

I nod "Of course let's get working." We spend years in that territory until time tells him to change. 

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