Chapter 16

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Alex POV

"So I was thinking a girls' day is in store for us, I personally need a vacation and so do you two. I mean it wasn't really a vacation Sunny if you go to therapy and are alone. And our ghoul will be given nutrients." I'm hopeful for their agreement. It's always been do this at this time, sleep, talk, prepare, and going to eat souls.

"I agree although I just need to eat..."

"It's okay I'll bring some raw meat that I have thawing. Maybe that would calm you."

"Thank you Sunny." After Sunny leaves I whisper to Lucy.

"Did you notice a little step in Sunny almost like she finally found some release?" Lucy just blushes like always. Making this girl react is adorable. Her shyness has me thinking about doing some role play with Andres when he gets off work at the bar.

"Haha I know. Hey, since you're going to the other side tomorrow to meet Death, why don't you go to their library and get something on ghosts? Benny has been busy lately figuring out shipment and handling checks for employees. Could you please?" I pout and blink multiple times until she agrees with her smile that reaches her ears.

"Alright spit it out Sun, who is getting you wet?" I know Lucy covers her mouth in shock from my words.

"Alright so Manny seems hot alright?" She blushes and it's obvious she's trying not to smile, but she should embrace it and show her emotions. I watched her purposefully kneel and shove her behind to Manny. He did react with licking his lips. From what I picked up from the other chancellor security demons is he's been in the human world for a while. He's been a security guard at museums and banks. Of course being a troll always night shifts.

"See, was that so bad? Damn the security, at least he's not a chancellor. Although I'd accept it either way. Now how about we go the day after tomorrow?"

"Where?" Sunny isn't surprised from my hipper tendency to switch from one conversation to the next.

"To the beach!"

"Umm, have you not looked outside? It's December. Who goes to the beach then?"
"Exactly no one!"

"Umm is that a good thing?" Lucy looks confused.

"Yes, because we're going to relax by doing some training and it'll be a day to be alone from all the heat. We'll get our partners when we get them because according to this article it states if you are apart from your partner for some time then when you come back you crave them more."

"Yeah humans are entertaining alright." Sunny roles her eyes.

"Uh why don't you just go to this so-called other world instead of living here?" Me and Sunny stare at each other, but we shake our heads since we forgot she's never been to the other side.

"It's boring" I yawn.

"That bad?"

"Yes, let me tell you in another way. Would you love to have everything you desired by the touch of a button?"

"What? Of course, wouldn't you?" Lucy doesn't understand.

"To humans that sounds like a dream, but to those who live on the other side we don't know about hard work. Take Benny for example, although he was the first demon forced to live here he decided to stay in the human world to understand what humans have to deal with. He told me he prefers hard work rather than just consuming souls and dying. He wanted a routine that involved mystery. Boy he looked forward to each day because it's different, you don't know what could happen tomorrow or the next day. " Sunny goes to the closet and picks out some pajamas while picking her nails. That's reality. The demons on the other side just stand around waiting for souls to get to them and I'm grateful to stay in the human world. I may not remember my past, but this new life is better than none.

"I didn't know that about Benny. It's good to hear another perspective."

"Ha! If only you knew." Sunny states laughing. "Well from Benny's experience he didn't want it easy. He loves a challenge. He wanted more out of his life. He started out as a cowboy actually, frustrated all the time. Although I sensed he felt good working his way to the top building the barn." I enjoy Sunny opening up more about what she thinks of others and praise, but she is worthy too since she is a hard worker too.


Sunny POV

After saying our goodnights I head over to my room. Although I'm craving the night air and seeing the stars to reflect on life. Being indecisive I head to the parking lot without a jacket. All day at work my back has been itching, but the cold tends to alleviate it. I do some star gazing with my hands in my shorts pockets.

"Didn't expect to see you here." Manny approaches with hesitancy. I don't have my bracelet on so he can touch me without harm. Even if I did have it it wouldn't work since it only works inside.

"How do you get release?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me what makes you calm?" Don't tell me he knows about my therapy. "I don't know, I feel this pull to you, but it seems you are ignoring it. Why is that? Is it because I'm not a lion?"

"Thought men spoke less than a woman."

"I beg to differ, I'm a troll, I've ordered fairy's to do what I ask for their protection and they oblige."

"I also feel a pull, but it's probably because there is a fairy close to you and I just feel bad for you."

"Yikes, what kind of past have you been through, shit, I'm sorry."

"Goodnight, just leave me alone." I'm walking away and feel the pang of my heart. Here it is I'm gonna go to my room alone like always. At least I've got Lucy and Alex. He stops me with his strong arms to hold me. One around my waist, the other at the bottom of my chest. I'm so small he could break me. I feel so safe though, why?

"I'll wait for you to accept. Got it? You are mine." He grunts and lets me go. What if he's my soulmate? I gasp and turn around to find he's gone. 

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