Chapter 3

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Alex POV

That's what I like about Benny; he's reliable and is there to fill in when someone can't. I head upstairs to the club. Passing through dusty mahogany walls with posters of the artwork we've collected. Once in my tiny room, I grab black jeans and a plain white t-shirt with a brown wool coat. I don't forget to put on underwear. I put on purple panties matching my strapless bra. My attire is mostly boyish. Lastly, my thigh high boots. I prefer not to stand out in crowds. I hear Andres scratching his arms then sneezing as I dress and hope he doesn't go into heat now. I grab my green backpack and leave my red room.

The club opens in fifteen minutes and I already see some of the dancers with their gym bags heading to their lockers in the back to get dressed after finishing their stretches. I have thought about asking Benny to dance, but he prefers me offering guests sex because afterwards I have free time. If I were a dancer I would have to continuously entertain, but I would gain more energy since I would feel the lustful emotions of the crowd and feed off of them just as Benny does when he enters a live performance. Although it interrupts the performance since they are robbed of energy.

I'm walking to the exit with Andres behind me. We go to the parking lot noticing the sun isn't out and hiding behind dark clouds. I go to the red GMC Sierra immediately. I open the door for Andres since he doesn't look well, poor guy.

I notice the large crowd outside the entrance. Sniffing the air I sneeze. Andres hops in, I shut the door and I see him reluctantly putting his seatbelt on. I tap on the window and he looks at me with a questioning look. I fog up the window with my breath and draw a heart with a smiley face. I see him giggle inside with the way his shoulders shake and just licks the window as I sneeze. What a coincidence that the song on the radio is Domino by Jessie J.


"Andres," I say moaning as his thick middle finger slides in and out of me. I hear the noises of my juice on his fingers loud and clear. The bastard decided to use Benny's cum as lube. I'm surprised Benny's cum hasn't dried yet.

"Yes?" He growls, licking his fingers. His head is on my shoulder while his left hand is gripped behind my seat. His right hand decided after 2 minutes of driving to pull down my jeans and panties and dive his finger inside me.

"How the hell do you look sick, but can still do this?" I groan and push my hips forward while he torments me by going slow. My actions are pleading for him to go faster. I'm so close.

"I'm saving myself for your heat so why do you do this?" I look toward him, but I know there is lust in my eyes.

"Maybe I got a little jealous that Benny got to put his dick inside you. Thank you for saying I'm bigger, that made my day." I look toward him and notice a goofy grin. I just have to focus on the road. Although maybe if I pull over and go to the back seats I'll feel better. I decide on that since he won't stop until I cum. I go to a deserted back alley between a butcher building and Fairy Cake Bakery. Both open at 12 today due to maintenance as said on the front doors. I stop the ignition and look toward Andres who took his finger out of me and already hops to the back. We're a five minute drive from our destination.

"You only get my ass right now, and if you behave I'll let you do more when we get home," I say as I quickly take off my clothes, tossing them to him in the back. I hear him sniffing them. I leave my shoes and socks in the front. When I glance behind he's already ready. He doesn't masturbate or I don't know since he never tells me, he's just ready sitting there.

I haven't done much anal play so I'm tight. You would think that being a call girl would make me stretch and quickly accept the dicks, but demon bodies are different. Each time I feel like I'm losing my virginity.

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