Chapter 17

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I follow my mates to the "Bridge of Peace." I inhale, hearing the cracks of leaves and the dirt on the ground.

"We're here. You can open your eyes, you don't need to be afraid, just feel my hand." I did, but I must have gone blind because I kept blinking.

"Hey hey it's okay you'll get used to the darkness, this is Death's cave once we get close to him there will be some lights." Lucky is so comforting and Mad is still sulking, but I still go and grab his hand. We keep walking, feeling the cold path at our bare feet. I start trembling from the cold and they both hold on tight.

I look up and find bats with little colorful hats on their head that produce the light on the ground that keeps shifting.

"Hello Death." I instinctively feel like I'm in the precedence of royalty. I look up at the big man sitting on the huge throne. He's got crow feather hair. His attire is tight black pants and shirtless. He's sweating. It's strange since it's so cold here and having this black silky robe isn't helping. Why wasn't I given a sweater? Is it a rule to be as cold as possible in order to be here? Just dump a bucket of ice on me why don't you?

"You better make this quick. I have more than fifty chancellor demons to go over and a wife to tame." His tone is very deep which makes me want to crawl in a hole. He holds onto both armrests of his throne as he pants from having run a lap or hard at whatever work he does. I also notice he's got a blanket covering his torso. 

Suddenly I smell the nostalgic smell of wet earth after it rains. A woman comes from the left side of the throne carrying a dust pan. She looks so fragile.

"That isn't a way to speak to guests." I hear her say. I'm so mesmerized with her beauty that I don't hear Mad or Lucky gasp. She looks as if she doesn't smile. She has the palest skin which could be cold to the touch and judging from the scars she may be a corpse.

She has on a black veil and a black type wedding dress. Her irises are a pale white as if she were blind, but maybe that was her natural appearance. On her hip she carries a skull like it's a duffel bag.

"I don't see why you're getting involved. I told you I needed more ashes damn."

"Remember to use profanity as a last resort, hon." And they're married apparently. How does a big guy like him fit inside her tiny waist. Listen to my thoughts all dirty. I'm ashamed.

"I'll be sure to remember that when you stop ignoring me, dear. It wasn't my fault I forgot to..." He gets cut of with her words.

"You seem to forget many things recently. Pardon my husband's attitude; he seems to believe he is always right. You won't be getting any pleasure from me until you apologize, hon." She says the last line as she walks behind the throne. After some more silence we see her returns and drop the dustpan on the ground with intent to break it, but doesn't.

"Death, pardon our arrival, but the ghoul you saw in your mind is actually our mate. We'll be sure to take care of her and if we don't you can use our bodies for creating your demons." Lucky states with confidence looking Death in the eye. 

"Vivian! Hurry up already!" Death ignores him, but when I think all hope is gone he states "I'll keep careful eye on this ghoul don't expect privacy until I know for sure you are trustworthy. Vivian!" That must be our cue to leave. 

As we are walking out I see Vivian again picking at dust from the ground. I decided to go talk to her alone.

"Don't step on the ashes please."

"Of course. So you want to tell me what happened?"

"Naturally I just want a prize for doing a good job. Is that so hard to ask? Of course he's busy, he's always busy in his mind." I have no words. I don't know the life of this unnatural being. Especially knowing he has a wife. What do you say to console her? I can't just go off and say it's okay to feel. I think she'll just say something rude.

"Don't pity me, I'll be alright. You on the other hand have more import things to worry about. Stay safe out there ghoul." I feel my eyes sting a little she seems a little cruel. Although she may just need someone since she's all alone. She may be pushing the anger toward me. I have to do something.

"I don't, but why do you need ashes?" I just have to learn more about her. She seems shocked I find interest in her from the way her eyes look like their about to pop out. People, or rather any being, wants attention not just from their significant other. She's on the ground so I kneel to the ground to have better eye contact. I put my knees on the ground.

"I'm Vivian. I have to collect ashes that my eyes see bright up, to give to my husband. He then creates demons with them. They're past deaths. I'm the only one who can gather the correct ashes. If you were to just gather them up at random it'll create a disaster." She stops talking and looks up to me.

"So why are you upset?" I can tell the question touches her soul with the way she looks like she is finally being asked the questions she needs by smiling.

Instead of answering she grabs both my hands and states "I like you, curious ghoul, thank you. You give me hope of changes to fate." She stands up and waves goodbye without answering my question. Her stride is filled with determination as she speeds walk to the throne. Did I offend her? Is she joking? I look toward my hand that is in a fist and see a piece of paper crumbled. I uncrumple it to read a message:

Thank you, I was being childish. I just wanted some art supplies. Having you ask me what upset me made me think about it. I should be more mature. I have a job to do and that can wait. You're the first to ask me what's wrong. Everyone just ignores me beside my husband. He's possessive and a little strict. I hope to see you again.

Oh goly, I hope to see you soon too. I see loneliness in her eyes that don't look at mines more. She rather talk to the air and herself. 



I still can't believe Vivian is still with Death. Usually his corpse brides last less than a week not longer. She seems to be more in charge too.

We're headed to the library and I just adore the way my mate looks around.

"Ghost ghost... ahhh here are some." We spend around three hour reading over text about ghosts even the existence of unicorns which I haven't seen yet.

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