Chapter 13

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Sunny POV

This place is huge. I have to clean the whole thing because demons don't do it, they'd rather filthy the place up. Their only excuse is because that's how they're born. I'm a lioness and a maid to them. I get mad but it's better than feeling lonely at least I have them.

Finally pushing my cart of cleaning supplies I head to the restrooms. Once again I see graffiti on the walls. Yup time to paint over crappy dick drawings. After spending an hour giving a quick sweep of the dust instead of the intense clean I go to the cemetery behind the club.

"Hey Sunny! Long time no see thank you for cleaning up the pathway. You know being so old I can't do it fast enough, I'll be retired soon and I want someone to take over once I'm gone. Gee! I'm just 83 years old and still fit." I offer my best smile at that.

"Of course I was just going through a terrible break, that's all.  I'm back, Mr. Brown." I keep sweeping and add some moist dirt to place on top of one of the graves. Mr. Brown is very entertaining, telling me stories of his youth. I just listen letting him speak and I try to memorize it because he is kind hearted. He's been lonely these past 7 years without his wife.I also notice the same couple keeps coming to pay their respects. 

When no one is present I go to the cemetery's temple. Inside is colder. I notice there's a leak on the roof and watch as water droplets fall on the floor. If I could be in charge of a place it would be here. I'd pay my respects to the little souls that are being reincarnated.

When I'm outside I look up to the darkening sky feeling the breeze, making me shiver. Hugging myself I grab my coat and belongings to go back to the club and prepare for the performance tonight. 

I holt, hearing movement inside and creaking of the floorboards. I don't have time to think of who it was because they pounce on me from behind. They're on top of me while I'm face planted on the ground. They decide to punch my ribs multiple times as I'm trying to get up. It's a battle of dominance.

I'm quick to use my right elbow to shove the bastard in the face knocking him unconscious when they tire themselves up. I grab the nearest weapon which conveniently is an old pipe. Shoving the thing through the bastards brains and digging it into the ground. I'm crawling back to get a view of the whole body. 

At first I'm worried they could be human, but relief washes over me. As soon as I exhale I'm in pain in my ribs. I clutch my sides and just stay on the ground and wait to heal. 

"You'll be his lunch, ghoul." I say this sticking my middle finger to the sky. 


After dragging a drugged and decapitated ghoul to the cell underground the club I walk back to my cleaning supplies to clean the dust behind the paintings hanging.

I go over one photograph of Benny encased in glass. Admiring his dark features, then squirting some windex on his face to clean it. Now I see my reflection and smile. I jump when I look behind me toward a large chest. I turn around and see the large bulky man. I feel so tiny and I am shorter than all the woman here.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you ma'am. Just here to meet with the demon Benny. I'm here to stay and work." His dark voice is an aphrodisiac, but I'm not giving into temptation.

"Alright. Follow me." I walk along to Benny's office hearing the man's footsteps.

"My name's Manny by the way."

"Sunny, I'm a lioness." I didn't expect to grunt. I sense him about to grab my arm, but I stop him.

"I wouldn't touch, if I were you." I lift my left wrist with the red bracelet.

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