Chapter 4

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After the confrontation with the twins, Andres safely pulls up to the club's parking lot. I don't wait for him to turn off the ignition and race out of the car going to the trash can behind the club.

I open the lid to find the stench of food, cigars, and whiskey spills. The flies all get scared and swarm. I touch each bag but don't feel anything. I go to the next almost empty trash can and find a pink box in the right corner. I start whimpering because I just want to hurry and give this girl a proper burial. When I open the heavy box I see the note on the top stating:

Thank you for verifying your location we've already incinerated the body,

Your welcome xoxo

I start bawling because now they know our location. They probably followed me that first time I was out with clients. I carefully lay the box on the ground. From the desperation of getting to the location I forgot my phone at the red building. How is Benny supposed to prepare for a fight now?

"Don't cry. You are strong... It's okay. "

What? It sounds like a static voice. A low to high pitch almost as if a child is talking right now. I'm surprised to see her behind me. She has a smile with a purple bruise on her left cheek. She has a pink dress with black polka dots. Her features are outlined by a blue hue as if she is a ghost.

I smell the mint shampoo again. Oh no. I look up to the twins flying with large red wings, but they have confusion written all over their faces. Why don't they come down here?

"They can't see us. They know they left a box here, but all they see is the trash can." I'm confused, can this girl have the power to make an illusion?

"Who are you?"

"I really miss my life. But I like that no one can really hurt me now." I just start bawling some more. This must be Abby. When I try to give her a hug she just evaporates. Was I dreaming?

"Hey. Who were you looking at?" Andres says besides the trash cans. I notice then that the twins have gone away. I tell Andres who I saw and tell him we'll go bury Abby's ashes tomorrow morning.

"I don't usually like this. I try to put up an emotionless appearance, but I've never felt so evil in my whole life." I start scratching my palms on the pavement since I don't want to cry and that seems to be the only way to manage the tears and emotions. Every time I collect a soul I feel like I don't deserve to see all the memories those who pass have made for themselves. They should be private and I just go in, take them so they are reincarnated. I find it beautiful that even though their memories are erased, loved one's remember them with the photos they have. But when those loved ones die, who'll remember them? I get so overwhelmed thinking about how life is.

"Hey, remember you're a demon. That means you gave her a new life. It's okay to feel this way. I don't want you to hold back. Tell me everything no matter what I'll never judge." Andres now holds me and I sniff, snot probably covering his shoulder.

I smile and take a whiff around. Wow, really? This again.

"Let's get out of here. It seems back alleys are how we end up confessing all the bad then leaving talking about all the good in life." I need a vacation. Each time I've made a mistake I'd rage and hit the trash cans and Andres has always been there to watch if I get hurt and need to talk to someone. I've tried talking to the humans Benny hires, but each one of them would snitch about how I'm feeling and feel betrayed. The only one I mainly count on through emotional support is Andres. 


I end up just telling Benny that all went well with the clients and the soul.

"One more thing." I step forward.

"What is it?" He asks expecting anything.

"Julio is outside and I want to know if it's true I was the payment to finding who Candy's killers are?" He frowns then nods and damn it to hell I have to get out of his office and offer myself to Julio. I just storm outside and find him with a guitar-playing some tunes.

"Hey, Julio I'm feeling tired right now. And NO you won't collect until I see you have the heads of the twins." I say as I walk past him to head upstairs to my room. He just keeps playing the guitar then tying his curly brown hair in a low ponytail.

"I know. Just as long as I get your pussy I'm a happy wizard." I look behind me and see his eyes turn from gray to green as he grins. I ignore it and walk upstairs. Okay, I expected a fight from him, but I know what the twins did was barbaric. I also know the twins stole from Julio, I wonder what it was.


When I get to my room I close and lock the door. I look around and see just my king-sized bed, on each side shelves of books rather than the television on the wall. Those are the only pieces of furniture I have because I only use this room to sleep or hang out with Andres. I notice he's on the ground on the fluffy purple carpet he got me for Christmas last year.

It's been a long day. First I had a client who was curious about a threesome. I brought another girl with me who was a bitch, but then they chickened out and wanted a refund. The second wanted to play with toys so I had brought five different types and we used them all on myself. Using the anal pug on himself. Then Benny called me about a soul and I was happy. Andres was very horny and I let him, which is weird because... I usually scold him. Oh no.

It seems it's just been one surprise after another. I take off my jeans and instantly smell the iron. It's strange because from the books Benny gives me from the other dimension, female demons don't get their period, but I do. I've just avoided Benny when I'm on it fearing he might kill me when he finds out I'm not normal. So when he needs to contact me about a client I just make him call me for the watch not to burn my damn wrist. I especially avoid Andres too because I wouldn't like him eating that. I just have to leave because I don't want to disgust him. He's snoring now so all I have to do is get out and sleep at a motel hoping this goes away in less than four days.

Of course, he has good hearing and hears when I step on the floor which creaks.

"Alex? Are you hurt? I smell blood. Your palms and knees are healed up, where is it coming from?" He rapidly says as he pats me down feeling for any injury. I love my loyal dog, but I wouldn't want him to do this gross thing.

"No I'm fine it's all in your head. Just go back to sleep." I say pointing to the bed. I know I'm frowning. Please get the message. Although I'm crestfallen when he pouts like that. He obeys and lays his human body on the bed in a ball and I see he won't be sleeping happily.

"Andres, I'm sorry. I'm gonna tell you something, but it has to stay a secret." 

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