Chapter 14

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Lucky POV

Mad and I take our seats.

In my peripheral vision I see a woman with a buzz cut leaning over to pick up a fork. One of the security guards is behind her and he licks his lips. She looks like she is close to rubbing her ass to his crotch. I thought having the red bracelet meant not to tempt anyone? Because she looks like she purposefully wants him to touch her. She looks to be doing just that and wanting him as she leaves. I notice he's only got eyes for her, though he shakes his head trying to focus on the crowd. I look away before he notices me staring.

"Ladies and gentlemen let the show begin with the new dancer the Dove dancing to "I'm not afraid" by Tommee Profitt!"

The dove? That sure suits her in a cage.

My mate's hair looks beautiful, shining to the lights of the show. She looks free, eyes closed feeling the pole as she starts humping it to the beat. I image our bodies doing the same again. 

What shocks me and gets me hard is when she opens her mouth and eyes. That's when her hair starts to change color starting from the roots they begin to go pure white. Her neck is leaned back with her legs wrapped around the pole so tight. She lets her arms go and she leans back as her hair flows and slowly changes to white. She's like a different persona now. Did she grow? Her outfit seems tight now, ripped from the sides. She seems so mesmerized that she mouths the phrase "I'm not afraid" to the song repeatedly. Her seduction and pure transformation must be her pure ghoul form wanting out. I've never seen a ghoul change like this. 

As she keeps dancing, sticking her ass to the audience her hair goes all white. I hear men groaning and cheering. I'm jealous, but this is her job as long as she's mine. Close to the end of the song she stands in front of the pole. She puts both hands above her grabbing the pole and going into a squat letting her legs spread for the audience to see her wet. I'm about to get up and rip all the men's eyes out, but she immediately crawls toward Mad and see she only has eyes for him.

"Mad? Please take me outside please?" She tells Mad and I'm finally glad she wants him too. Although what changed?

"Shit you have no idea what you're asking." Lucy goes straight to his lap. She begins rubbing her pussy on his crotch, he carries her and takes her outside.

I can feel her emotions, but suddenly I don't. I notice the buzzed hair woman isn't cleaning so I go looking for them.



"Come on get up." Lucy's voice is different now too. First her whole appearance changes, she grows and acts tougher, dominating me.

"Oh ho. She's about to teach you a lesson and I don't want to miss that." Sunny states matter of factly sitting on a rock. Could this bitch get any more humorous? Shouldn't she be cleaning?

"Don't you want to fight? Piece of shit mate I got if he can't get up and face me head on." She kicks me in the stomach and I spit some blood damn, yup, she's strong.

"I'm sorry alright! Shit...just..." Shit there goes my dignity.

"Aww the little dog's apologizing. Although! What we expect is you to mean it by treating us like we deserve! With respect!" When she finishes a sentence I feel the bat hit me in the back then on my stomach. How she got the weapon, I have no clue. 

"You won't take my pussy until you are good. Got it?" I don't respond because I want to catch my breath first.

"I said, do you understand me?!" She grabs my shirt collar and growls at me with those red eyes.

I don't answer instead I nod feeling my eye swollen.

"Karma's a bitch huh?" The little lady claps and goes inside the club finally. I think it's' over, but then I feel jaws on my shoulder. I wail at the top of my lungs from the pain. My wolf is cowering not wanting to face this like the pussy he's become. This is the most romantic way to claim me she'll probably eat me whole now and I'd be okay with it because she's my mate.


"Mad! Mad! Wake up please I'm sorry...hic." Is she for real? She's apologizing?

"Don't...worry...I asshole to you..."

"Yes, but what she did..."

"Happened for a reason...ouch don't touch me right there." She starts whimpering on my chest.

"Hey it's okay I deserved it. I'll watch my language with you." I forget she's a ghoul and remember they are able to kill their soulmate. 

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