Chapter 5

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Andres POV

A secret? I love secrets especially if they're ours and not even Benny knows.

"I think I'm half human. I get periods like the woman here and I don't know why. For some reason I can't remember my past when I met Benny. Every time I think back I get a headache." She says this and starts crying. I don't want her to cry. I accept her for who she is. I want her to smile for me.

"I don't care. Let me take care of you, master, please?" She looks shocked and nods her head. I can't believe I'll get to taste her pussy again. I'm a lucky dog. She walks toward the bed along the way stripping all her clothes without me telling her. According to my research when a woman is on her period she is extra horny that's why she didn't tell me to stop in the car.

I go to her. I sense she is calm and really aroused. I go on my knees and have a whiff of the blood. My eyes must be red right now. My canines also tingle, but I won't bite her. I'll just keep licking until it's gone. I open my mouth using my thumbs and forefingers to spread her pussy. I make sure to make as much noise as I can since she loves it. As I slurp her like ice cream I notice her mouth opening without making any sounds. This is the part I love, she's only thinking about what I'm doing to her and nothing else. 

"You taste so good I didn't know blood could taste like vanilla with hints of salt from the pleasure I cause you." I start using my rough tongue to lick up all the blood. She's my moaning master and my life. I love her with all my heart. I'd die and kill for her. 

"Ahh, yes right there. Yes! Oh good, boy!" I love her praises and when she grabs my hair I know I'm doing a good job. My past has been hell, but her smile is worth it since I found her. I knew she was special to me the moment I saw her reaching out her hands to my filthy dog. I remember I wined and pouted not wanting to be apart from her those first two years together. 

I sense she feels me unlike her clients, moaning on the top of her lungs. I may sometimes follow her to their homes and watch outside the window. She slaps her cheeks and splashes water on her face with a frown. Then when the client appears her eyes have a little water in them and I hear a little sniffle. Although she keeps a smile on her face and does her job. I don't always go and leave her to her privacy. When she does come home I'm all over her in my dog form and try to comfort her as she sometimes weeps in her sleep. She tells me everything, but she also gets confused when the tears hit because she says she shouldn't feel disgusted since it's her job. If only Benny gives her another job, but if not I'm always happy to comfort my master.

"Andres! Eat me up, I want you!" She says as she orgasms and the blood just keeps coming. This isn't so bad she said it would taste foul, but it's my heaven to make her happy.

"That's it master I'm gonna dig my tongue as much as I can go in. I promise to make you happy. I'll erase the feelings of those humans who touch you because they don't know how to truly make you feel good, but me." I keep licking up to her clit and back down while blood runs down my chin and goes on my cheeks. I can't wait for the heat to finally kick in so I can have her to myself again and again. Although I should be gentle with her, my strength and energy just multiply. I don't know what she is now that I see she has a period. Could she really have human blood inside? I doubt it. Benny would kick her out. I stop liking her when I notice she's snoring. I gently put a fresh blanket over her and leave the room with the dirty one.  


I take the sheets off the bed and take them to the laundry downstairs. I make sure to lock the door and let her nap.

"Well if it isn't the little slave doggy." Julio laughs as I push the sheets in the machine and drop some detergent inside.

"Is that blood on your face? Don't tell me you ate what I'm gonna taste soon?" My eyes grow wide when I hear that and face him.

"Oh yes Benny told me to find who killed Candy then I'd get to fuck Alex. Although now Alex expects me to kill the bastards which is perfect. I love a challenge."

"I'll be in the same room when you do it. I don't want you hurting her." He just laughs.

"She's really different from any female demon I've fucked. She's weaker, almost as if she's half of something else." He smirks, puffing up his exposed chest, but it fades when I push him against the dusty wall hard. Hellhounds are much stronger than wizards so he's afraid, but he knows I can't kill him since he's a reliable source.

"Kill me and they just might kill you. Don't make Alex cry, she's a precious one and I'll pleasure her, don't worry." Shit if he does end up fucking her, he'll know about the period blood. I have to come up with something fast. Maybe I'll kidnap her and take her back to the club when the period is gone. That makes me hum because I'll get to eat all that till it's gone.

"Wait. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Is she your soulmate? Wow! You must not like the idea of all those dicks hammering into her." I lose control and start to choke him.

Mate? Yes! That could be why I always feel so depressed without her, but would she want only me? Of course!

"Andres! Let him go!" I hear Benny while trying to loosen my death grip on Julio. I reluctantly step back to hit the wall.

"Benny, Alex is my mate!" Benny goes wide-eyed.

"Oh come on. Now how am I going to fuck her?" Julio says, spitting blood using his sleeve to wipe away the blood.

"Andres come to my office."

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