Chapter 18

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Benny POV

"They went where? To do what?" I'm supposed to have shipping merchandise today so I can count for accuracy. I'm gonna have to tell them to wait before I get back. Although humans aren't patient. They're gonna want a hefty fee if I cancel now. I'm the only who is allowed to receive the products. Last time I had a chancellor do it, the human took advantage of the liquor and broke a fricking fridge. When I'm there they know I'm serious and intimidating.

"They shouldn't be out having fun when we don't even know if the twins will attack. We have to follow them." Andres says this while leaving the room. He told me they took the 239 route to get to Austwell City Park to buy supplies based on the transactions from Alex who bought clothes and other necessities. We'll have to go around the whole Bay Area to figure out where they are swimming. 

I still don't know where Candy's doll is, but for now we have to follow our woman and make sure they're safe. Looks like Lucy's mates, and even Manny the security are going too.

I sigh and just mumble "Where's Abby?" and there she appears ready for orders. I have a necklace with Abby's ashes just in case I need her to create an illusion and now is time like any. I tell her I need her to make an illusion of me onto the security guard. I explain how to receive merchandise as simple as possible for the young girl. When we finish trying with success I tell her I'll be back and she's in charge. 


Took us four hours to locate them. Yup nothing is sexier than watching three half naked females splashing water on each other on a winter day. We ended up finding our woman at a bayou. Since we aren't able to get sick they are allowed to swim in the infested water of pollution that is being worked on to manage the quality of it. They chose good in a secluded place. 

Sunny bends down grabbing something and I hear Manny moan. He excuses himself and it's difficult to tell if he's aroused from all the wind blowing around. He has more muscle than any of us. I'm grateful to have his strength at the club. The arousal could be me or the guys.


The females aren't in any danger so we decide to wait in the cars and follow them. I wait a few seconds and am about to close the car door when I hear one of them shriek. I don't wait and run at full speed toward the water. I smell the mint and gag.

"No! Sunny!" Alex says pulling Sunny's arms. Sunny's legs are being pulled by one the succubus twins swinging his wings using his strength to take her in the air. The succubus has a strong grip on Sunny's ankle which looks to be red now. 

"Wait where's Lucy?" Lucky says looking around while Mad in his wolf form jogs around the perimeter sniffing. That won't do good since the other twin is flying away from us. Damn it to hell, if only I had my wings, but at my age my demon wings have evaporated.

Sunny gives me a sadden expression as if she has a plan to be captured to kill them herself. I notice Manny go into the water about to swim after them, but I stop him by forcefully pulling him out.

"I know you want to go after them, but think of yourself."

I watch Andres and Alex in the water hug while Lucy and her mates also do the same. They didn't get to Lucy because she was in the water. Why does fate take away those I care about? 

Devil POV

A way to gain respect is taking something precious from someone. Revel in the screams of panic.

"Emily, good girl, eat up what I put on your plate. You need the calories and fat to fight." She glares up at me with thick pieces of blood running down her chin and on the ground.

"Ah no don't waste food dear this might be your last." She continues chewing the flesh, not disgusted. She was my first female ghoul creation, but I got bored and made Lucy. Emily got severely punished for freeing Lucy, but I only got one female ghoul to deal with now. Two female ghouls meant planning to betray me.

She'll help me.

Once my pet is done feeding I pull her chain to get her closer to me. She's at my feet.

Once again she's quiet. It's a cognitive behavior she adapted when I took her. She feeds and keeps her mouth shut. Honestly touching her mouth could trigger sharp teeth she uses to bite me. Frequently I've caught her writing on the walls mainly the word "Alive." No sense in telling her she isn't. I've physically and emotionally abuse her daily and she doesn't care. She's my punching bag and pet. Humans have taught me a great deal in finding relief. 

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