Chapter 1

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Alex POV

I stretch my arms forward, pulling. I moan from the release of my muscles. I hear my backbone crack as I lean forward. I move one arm across my chest to stretch and then the other. I then tap my thigh high boots on the ground as I'm sitting. All indications of nervousness and faking confidence.

I made a mistake last night, but the punishment won't take long unless I cooperate. I'm sitting across from my boss's office desk waiting for him to speak. It reeks of meth and strong coffee from the kettle to my left.

We're underground so the only light is from the lamps beside the desk and the ceiling light. No windows. Plain white walls with picture frames of all the employees who've worked, or still work, even some deceased. Just an old office covered in dust. Watching the dust bunnies on the floor move around makes me want to giggle.

I hear instruments playing in the background from the radio playing. I believe it's an opera.

Benny just stares at me, tapping his pen against his lip. He knows I'm willing to do anything he asks of me now unlike in the past. My stoic look draws his eyebrows together. I know he hesitates, but it's what has to be done. He has more salt and pepper hair today, he truly is an old demon. While I have my long brown straight hair that falls close to my ass.

He starts babbling that a girl, or rather a woman like me should smile more naturally and that he's never heard about me doing what I did.

"Mi Mariposa, I know you too well, you're my hardest worker and I rely on you, but this is unexpected and I hope there isn't a repeat. Although I understand you tried to protect yourself and your co-worker." He tries to calm me with his deep voice with the hint of a Cuban accent. He always says this, but I still end up making new mistakes. Why doesn't he just say he wants my nails instead of this? He's so handsome for 127 years of living. Then there's me, a 24-year-old. To him, I just look like I'm so focused, but in reality, I just want to go take a nap.

Yesterday night I slammed a black high heel right into a bastard's eye socket and left it there. I wonder how he'll handle the police or the dead man out on the dance floor. Good thing the place was empty and he was the last one to leave. Well not to leave alive. It's a bummer I couldn't eat his soul since you can't if you do the killing. Instead, I gave it to Benny and was happy with that part. The doll was naked indicating a bad man. What I would want to know about his past.

Oh, right I know a call girl and demon-like myself doesn't deserve fair treatment. I'm replaceable, but Benny seems to always find me amusing and tries to keep prying me for information any chance he gets. Although I still have no memories of my past. He's a dear friend, boss, and lover in that order. I don't know how many times he's saved me so far, but I like his protection. Meeting him was pure luck. Although now he can't protect me from this demon punishment. It's not even that bad. We've done this every time I made a mistake and I remember my first mistake was slipping on the floor and dropping expensive wine on a client's suit.

"Good morning to you too, let me get the stuff," I say then head straight for the bottom drawer to get the nail ripper. While I get the necessary items with cloth and a small jar I hear the door open and close. It's Marrissa. I'm happy she's alive and safe. She giggles like she's high and climbs on top of Benny wiggling her ass on his crotch while he watches me get our secret items. I place them on his table still standing and wait for him to reach out to hold my hand to the device. While Marrissa has no clue what we're doing. I think I'm giving away 3 nails.

No matter what, this only gets us more money since our nails are used as ingredients by witches. I'll leave and go home being straight that the witch will be more than happy with it even if they are less than 3 mm and deformed.

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