Chapter 6

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Alex POV

I open my eyes and feel the hard floor. I'm laying on the floor on a navy mat. Did Andres just betray me? I bought this for Benny. I look up to him staring at me.

"Good morning. Mariposas, are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay. You lied about Candy."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just want you to be at peace."

"I would if you just communicate more to me!" I say lifting the chair and tossing it to the kitchen.

"I.. I'm sorry. I'll clean it up. It shouldn't concern me. If you plan to kill me I'm okay with it. Look, I think I'm half human, I'm on my period if my stench doesn't give it away." See how my mood changes, it's always like this. First I argue then I agree to anything he states because what am I really gonna do?

"Remember when I found you?" He starts to make me have flashbacks. I'm hyperventilating on the ground, shutting my eyes.

"Yeah you took me to the other world and dropped me in a pool of agony."

"Yes, but I'm gonna tell you the whole truth."

My eyes widened and I listened.

"I actually lost the love of my life the day I saved you. You reminded me of her. You two look so similar that I decided to save you." My heart is crushed and my head keeps pounding.

"You were in a car accident just leave it at that. When I got to you you were losing so much blood. No one questioned where your body was because when I dropped you into the pool of agony you were erased from everyone who knew you. You also kept a part of your humanity." He stops talking to allow me time to catch up on the information. I got it.

"Demons aren't just born by being created. Humans can become demons too. Life is about fate. If a human is close to dying and a demon is close by they can either wait for their death or approach them if the demon thinks they are worthy. We ask the human if they are willing to take a risk. If the human accepts then we drop them into the pool of agony. That pool is a chance. There is a 50/50 chance you'll survive it. If you do, you are half demon. Although if you don't you aren't reincarnated."

"What was her name?" I think I know. 

"Mariposa. This may be why you tried pretending you didn't care. I know you. You keep bottling all your emotions. I think a demon should shows them all. Although you don't know what a pure demon feels. You've met Death and met the demons in his realm and you felt expected to behave like them. We can only die by Death's touch. We accept everything, if only you knew the souls from the past with dark histories." He says this, but inhales. He does a little hiccup and continues speaking almost in a whisper then on the verge of tears. I don't understand, he's always laid back and calm so I try to mimic that.

"She was the warmest angel. Always positive. Every time I think of her I think of a radiant sun. Had to wear a different texture of dress. She'd made sure others were taken care of first before her. But a demon and angel can't be together because my presence can distract her from her goal in bringing peace in the minds of humans. She was actually sacrificed for causing a man to kill himself because he was about to bomb the shopping mall close to town." Shit, without her doing that, many people would have died. Angel's have the power to dig into the mind of humans, while we are only able to consume their souls helping them reincarnate.

"Did you know that Andres has to have a mate? If he doesn't he'll only die younger."

"What?!" I thought he would continue to talk about the angel, kicking me out, or punishing me, but Andres and a mate? Why am I jealous all of a sudden? Or rather frustrated? 

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