Chapter 9

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Lucky POV

He's out of control again. I just push him to get in between the two. I go to the ground and cradle her in my arms. Wow she feels good in my arms. Thank god she isn't running from me. I'm the logic of the two and prefer to observe then take action while Mad just thinks to kill first. Wait till I tell Death then he'll be more in control.

"What's your name honey? Mine is Lucky." I say leaning down on the ground and grabbing her so she's sitting on my lap, her legs stretched to my right. I'm cradling her back with my left hand, while my back is touching the destroyed wall.

"Really? Honey?" Mad says in disgust, rolling his eyes.

"I'm.. uh.. Luc...y... um well... that's what...... the man told me. He... said that shall be my name." She whispers looking back into my eyes. We'll get to this "man" later, I want to kill him, but I have to care of my girl first. Right now I'm just staring at her. Her eyes look like warm coffee, but with rain about to erupt. She's innocent in all this and the way Mad just abused her and she didn't know how to fight back says it all. This is what peace feels like. My mate. She's mine. 

I hug her gently so as not to hurt her. Although this is dangerous since my neck is close to her plump pink lips. If she were to betray me she'd bite me, but I'd break her neck. She's just in my arms inhaling me. I think she's timid at first, but then she lifts her upper body, her arms go next and wraps them around my neck. Is that arousal I smell?

"Oh no, don't play victim here. Lucky push her away before she bites you man!" His eyes go wide when she starts to nibble and suck on my neck then ear. I feel her saliva run down my neck. I hear her panting and it's the most erotic thing someone has done with me. It tickles and arouses me. I'm surprised when I moan involuntarily. Then I feel emotionally hurt when she jumps away from me.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I... don't want to hurt you. I felt like biting down, but I don't want to. Please kill me. I don't want to hurt anyone, I'd rather die!" She says this hugging herself then crying uncontrollably.

"That's all we need to hear, gosh you're crying hurts my head. Yeah if I were you I'd just sucicide knowing what I became." He grabs her arm and when he makes eye contact with her he pushes her off. He starts hyperventilating and I see him patting his shaft. 

"Mad!" I glare at him. "Yes she may be a ghoul, but we have never met a female ghoul before. Especially one previously a human. I know you sense it too. Our mate." All Mad thinks she is is a ruthless killer with no mind, but she was able to talk to us.

"Look at her man she's innocent. She cowered and didn't fight back let's watch her then go to Death and have him check her himself." He just sighs and nods since he doesn't want any trouble from him.

"Now that you boys are done fighting let me introduce myself, I'm Benny, you owe me the cost of this furniture and according to the image of this woman she was supposed to have an interview with me two days ago, maybe she was turned then who knows." He shrugs behind the computer and scrolls down. "I agree with you Lucky she seems not used to her body because I sense strength within her she doesn't want to use. According to her background she's been a zumba instructor for one year and yoga instructor for two years. I could use her. I just wrote down for the performance tonight she'll dance, end of discussion."

"Excuse me? She's already ours, you can't just take her." Mad says this, but then he goes quiet like he didn't expect to say this. Does he also find her amusing as I do?

"That's right we found her. Although we would like to hear what Lucy would want. Honey? Do you want to work for him?" I say this and she just nods. Well that was easy.

"You're the only ghoul who has spoken rationally, well not about suicide, but able to utter a sentence or two."

"I.. am?" She sniffs and coughs. "I'm sorry for being a burden." She covers her face and weeps silently.

"No honey you're not. We can communicate. Alright you can dance tomorrow night at that performance then afterwards we'll take you to meet someone. Okay?" She affirmed with her weak nod and doubtful expression. Now about the room situation. Hopefully Benny has a spare one.

"Alright we'll be on our way to one of your storage rooms. I also saw a small cage and this bitch is the perfect size to occupy it since the rusty cage looked unused." Mad pulls on Lucy's hair dragging her behind him while she screams. I try to take her, but if I do I know Mad will only pull on her. I make a mental note to take her out of whatever cage he plans to place her in. Especially not letting him near her until he can learn to be gentle. 

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