Chapter 15

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Benny POV

"Hey so we've got a problem." Bastards says after flinging the door open and shutting it quick. Without knocking. What if I'm getting head?

"Yes Julio, it's the perfect time to talk to me about problems." I just close my computer I need some space to clear my mind.

"Great so concerning your devil..."

"What?!" I roar out trying to stay as calm as possible. If Death hears about this...

"Yeah, there was a demon who said they were passing by Texas and saw the orange suit close to route 239, but when he was gonna grab his phone and looked up they weren't there. No one can joke about a devil." If I remember correctly there was a belt in the middle of Candy's blood bath. Devils have an obsession with the color orange. If I'd have to guess it enhances their motivation for more souls. Devils are made when a demon takes too much souls into their system. They become obsessed with taking the souls of others and are even killing to see the private lives of humans to satisfy boredom. Though demon roles are only to consume souls from natural deaths of humans by observation.

"And get this. From the performance today by the dove or should I say Lucy. Her body grew and I got the hint of an orange belt underneath her attire when it ripped. So I have a theory."

"Let's hear it."

"Maybe just maybe she is part of this devil's experiment. What if Candy was doing something she was passionate about just as Lucy did by dancing, but instead of her body changing the devil was disappointed and asked the twins to explode her." So Julio thinks the devil wanted to make Candy a ghoul? And on top of that have the twins help him. 

"That's possible... Why do you assume the succubus twins have anything to do with this?"

"Because I went to check on Candy's apartment since you didn't want to go back again and found multiple bottles of mint shampoo underneath her sink. She either was in a relationship with both, or the twins just liked hanging out at her crib."

"What if it's not the twins? She could just coincidentally love mint shampoo."

"Hijo de puta. Would you bathe with mint shampoo?"

"Well no its too fresh of a smells I prefer no smell or a woodsy smell."

"Exacto carnal. No one uses mint shampoo unless they are affiliated with succubus. It's only a smell to chew on as in gum, but not to lather on your body. Although if only we could see her last memories."

"Por supuesto. Let me get her doll." I go underneath my desk to punch in the code to the safe. Once I hear the click I open the safe and grab the doll.

Julio laughs. "Is that the frankenstein beanie bear? HA! Didn't know you liked to play with stuffed animals Benny."

I can't even speak right now. Someone here is a traitor. Who? This is ridiculous because no one knows the safe number except me. Could a witch?


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