Chapter 2

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Benny POV

Once she's gone with some of my cum still inside her I turn on my computer and check for emails on new imports of the alcohol and drugs I sell. I prefer multitasking so I've got too many tabs with a slow internet connection. I also have a woman scheduled for an interview on my calendar today. She definitely needs this job if she's one hour late and not calling me.

I need another dancer. I think about Alexandra, but I don't think she would agree. Maybe I'll ask when she comes back.

I stop typing a message just to think about my Mariposa. I wonder when she'll finally remember her past and if she'll forgive me. Turning her wasn't difficult. At least she's alive. I just want her happy and do different things each day to not bore her. Living a long life means you have to be creative to not bore yourself to death. Collecting souls is our only way to survive in this world besides the clients she pleasures. I have multiple checklists to deal with when I hear a knock on my door.

"Hola jefe, we are open now." Renata states pointing to her sports bra to show the black savage bunny with red eyes logo of my club, and I'm finally happy to go work the drinks today and watch clients come and go, literally. My club has performance times, today at 11 am and later at 5 pm. I try to be meticulous with time. The bastard who is responsible for stressing people on how many hours they work to get paid, and have fun. Each performance and type of music is picked by a majority vote on my website on what to expect. When there isn't a performance some men and women I have on staff go on stage to dance for a small group if paid to.

The humans have to go online and book their seats because they run out quickly.

My club, "Escape" is a strip club I built. When I was removed from that other realm to live in the human one I was given freedom. Starting off as a farm worker led to gaining strength and responsibility. I bet demons in Death's realm just sit around being spoiled. Conveniently a newspaper fell to my feet reading about Texas having territory to purchase. Refugio country, or how I liked to call our territory Skeleton Point, is in a rural area.

This small population close to the water didn't look like a problem. My location is close to Austwell City Park. Compared to Collection their road is mostly asphalt, brick, and eccentric such as mushroom steps while here there's mostly grass. I could probably purchase a cow to chow it down. Although others have heard about me living here and of course decide to live close by. 

For instance those three empty buildings across from me now have owners from our realm. They were boarded up due to a wildfire and population shortage. Of all the places they could've chosen they had to be here. I've been living here for 127 years with a gas station, cafe, and theater. I think I've heard rumors about adding a retail joint. What about houses? I should probably contribute to that, but after that wildfire living here got humans scared. Surprisingly, tourists and those living miles away in small towns decide to travel to get here for the cheap gas, meals, and both entertainment.

It's strange to open in the morning, but anyone enjoys fun anytime. We target tourists since this town in Texas is less populated. Although the only demons I have working for me are some security guards who are my chancellor demons, and the only woman Alex.

My workers are divided into two categories. They either offer sex or not. You can tell the difference. Just don't touch or look too much at anyone with a red bracelet. If you're colorblind you'll know not to touch anyone with a bracelet. It says at the front of the building as well as other rules. I had to pay a witch for those bracelets that only work inside the building. I want no one to feel in danger of assault so by sacrificing some blood and nails it did the trick.

I go to the bar and drink a quick whiskey before putting on a black apron. Instantly I sneeze three times in a row then wash my hands at the sink. Marrissa, Renata, and Flor have already started pole dancing. The stage has four poles, the neon lights blaze red, blue, yellow, and green. I can't wait for Christmas I'm usually the one on top of the wishlist of people to fuck.

I hear the chanting and the men staring, some drooling, while others adjust their pants. Those three are the best dancers. I make sure with the cameras none of the girls are physically hurt. I know what Alex did yesterday was brutal, but I have to deal with that as the boss. It sucks that the man didn't know what he was doing from all the drugs he did that night. He probably didn't feel pain.

I still haven't told Alex about the reason why Candy left. She's under the impression she quit from the stress. However, I was called by her parents asking if I'd seen her. I was confused and decided to go to her file to see where she lives and when I got there I gagged from the stench of her blood all over the apartment. As a demon, you would think I'd go lick up all that blood, but those are the ghouls and our hellhound. Looks like her body may have exploded. I knew she hated messes and was OCD. I did what I could to remove the stains on the carpet and give her a proper burial at the cemetery "Bridge of Peace" behind the club. I still have her doll and haven't decided who to give the soul to.

I had a pal of mine look into the case. Although the payment was having sex with Alex. I know Alex would do it for the information. She's loyal to me and tells me all about what she does without feeling embarrassed. I'm just waiting for him.

It doesn't help that Renata gave her two-week notice due to starting a family with all the money she's earned. This is why I need an immortal to work for me so I don't have to worry about finding another replacement. Sooner or later Marrisa will be on my dick and then telling me about starting a family and moving on with her life. 

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