Chapter 7

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Benny POV

It feels good confessing. Almost as if Alex is a therapist. I still need to give her Candy's doll.

Finding out what is causing Andres to feel sick is he needs to bond. Although mating to him would mean when he dies his mate dies with him.

"You have a long life ahead of you Alex, if you do this you're shortening your life. Wouldn't you rather find him another hellhound? That way he can reproduce and..."

"NO!" She interrupts me and she doesn't seem to care much about the shorter life she'll have. I think life wouldn't be complete without Andres in it.

"I want him no matter what. I love him too. Maybe that's what it was and not just for pleasure." She may not know it, but whenever I said his name she would bite her lip. 

"There goes another employee."

"Don't worry, maybe I can help the bartender or dance?"

"I like that you want to stay with me. Andres? Got something to say?" I point behind her. She must not have heard him come in five minutes ago. Too lost in my story.

"Ahhhh! Andres! When did you... get here?" It's funny to see her flattered.

"You love me too?" Andres falls to his knees.

"Of course! But I'm not just saying it, I feel it." She hugs herself and sniffs. Then she's on her knees and hugs him. This is a soulmate, a pair who wants each other, and being with others make them depress. Although when Alex was with me it was for benefit. She'd feel at the moment, but not the sparks of her happiness. You have to know to differentiate pleasure from happiness. I know Andres will want to make Alex happy and give some more joy into her life.  

"Well you may now kiss the bride." I laugh after stating this. They do just that.

"You may want to mark her in your room Andres where she can smell like you not in my office where all I smell is arousal, meth, dust, and coffee." I nod toward the door. I can't wait to see a mark on each of them. As if on cue we all sneeze at the same time. 


Alex POV

Yup he's going into heat right now. He doesn't take me to my room, but to his. Anyone would think I'd know what his room looks like, but I don't. When we leave Benny's room I expect to go upstairs, but we only go lower. I didn't know there was a door behind all those boxes close to Benny's door.

"Don't worry I'm gonna make slow love to you."

"Please do." He rips off his pants striding toward me on the bed. His cock is pointed toward me. Hungrily we kiss using our tongues more to prepare and get fully aroused. I bite his lip as he roams his body over my hips and spreads my ass cheeks. 

And now the time begins. I wonder how long he'll stay inside.

"Oww... Andres yes please keep it up. Thats it." We keep going until I feel my back ache. He won't stop for that he just keeps getting stronger. The bed hits the wall so loudly that it's a competition on whose louder my moans or the banging of the wall. 

"I'm gonna claim you now Alex, please bite me as hard as you can." I do. Leaving a nasty bite wound the same time he strikes me with his teeth. I want more of these happy moments. Till death do us part.


We are standing at the "Bridge of Peace" cemetery. It's already 1 pm. I have a bouquet of pink and white flowers for Abby's grave. I wish she would appear again. It would be nice to adopt a ghost. I lay the flowers on the grass. Andres brought some candy from the club to offer as well.

"Yum. I love it!" We both jump to see her patting her stomach. She then lays on the ground rolling in it as if she can feel it.

"Hey! How do you just appear all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but I can't go far from where you hid me there on the ground." That gave me an idea.

"Would it be okay if I adopted you?" I hesitantly say looking at Andres, but he just smiles and nods.

"What?! Really?! You can be my new mom? Yes please! I can't wait to talk about the dreams I have and..." Oh no she disappeared again. Why?

"Andres, we'll have to ask Benny to lend us some books on ghosts coming to this world when he goes to the other side."

"Yeah I want to learn about her. I can see her now too."

"Maybe because we're mated." I say blushing.

"Either way I would love to be a dad to this cute girl. Did you see her eyes glow when she was about to talk? Almost reminds me of you." We hug and I plan to make each second count with my family. 

"Hey did you hear her? What if her ashes are a form of boundary? We could put her ashes in a necklace and whenever she is able to we could summon her? Um what do you think?"

"I think that's a good idea, we'll have to take out her box here let me help." We spend some time getting out the box, it feels like we are parents by the way we want to take our daughter out. 

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