Chapter 10

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I open up the silver cage and she goes more into the corner. I place my hand on the floor of the cage. It's too damn cold. How could she sleep? Mad had immediately shoved her inside and left the room saying he needed to think.

"Here let me take you out and hold you tonight. I'm really warm." I actually feel my blush. "I-I mean I'm a werewolf and our bodies are warm and when I had you in my arms I noticed you were re-really cold." Damn I'm stuttering. She then proceeds to crawl toward my arms.

"That's it. Good girl. I won't hurt you. Come here." I praise her some more. Trying hard to ignore the fact that her thighs sliding with each other has me craving her more. Once shes in my arms and I'm leading her to the bed. I'm on the bottom while she lays on top of me. My goal is to make sure my dick stays put while she's on top. She may have been aroused for a second, but she won't be now. I'm okay until she wiggles a little on my hips.

"Unnhh... shit sorry I shouldn't do that umm don't move too much just stay still alright?" She can probably hear my heart beating. I want nothing more than to shove my cock inside her, but she's in pain right now due to Mad's abuse. Shyly at first I reach toward her head then I accidentally kiss her forehead when I wanted to kiss the top of her head when she lifts herself.

"Wha... are you?" She slurs. I notice she keeps sticking her blue tongue out as if she doesn't know what to do with it. The blue is an indication of not having been fed.

"I'm a reincarnation. I was either wanted or not. All I know is I was an animal in my past life to turn out to be a werewolf shifter." I tell her this and smile. I'm happy to know Cloud was able to keep some memories of my past life as a dog. Although not knowing more. She closes her mouth and smiles back at me.

"So.... when's the last time you ate?"

"I've been craving flesh, I went past a butcher shop and smelled the meat. It was so good and raw... oh god. When I looked between the butcher and Fairy Cake Bakery I preferred the meat." She whispers. So she was in town and fate brought her here. The reason we were even able to locate a female ghoul is because Death called on to us and saw her in his vision. 

I just stroke her back. She starts to hiccup. I have to restrain from giggling because she sounds so cute and I love it.


The door opens and she stops hiccuping. She pushes against my body more and shakes. I almost forgot that she was abused by him.

"What?! Why'd you take her out of her cage?"

"Because she isn't an animal. Look at her, she's okay here."

"Yeah until she eats you in your sleep."

"Says the guy that called her his back there." I make sure to emphasis his role in this. 

"You know what? Let her sleep on your chest. You'll regret it. I'm gonna sleep out in the hall if you need me." He looks at her and has a smirk on his face.

"Ahh is the little slut meat eater getting horny from two big bad wolves fighting over her? You're right she is mine. Our mate, but you got to help her prepare for me. I won't go easy on her. My wolf sure loves those bruises." I look down her body and see her right thigh is exposed. I growl wishing I have a mark on her.

"As I said I'll be just outside. If you fuck her I'll hear the whole thing Lucky. She's innocent and a virgin. I expect you to loosen her up because my cock will kill her." He then licks his bottom lip and shuts the door. Now we're alone. I'm not gonna lie I'm happy to be her first. She's definitely a virgin alright. Damn and she won't stop moving her vaginia on my dick.

"Ahn... I ache... aww." She starts wining and rubbing herself on me. I need to take this thick black apron off to reveal what's mine.

"Ohhh mama cita you can't say that right now." I grab her waist for her to stop because I don't know how much control I have left before I flip her on her back and hump her raw on both holes.

"Please... please please please." She chants this while stroking my crotch making my dick stand up. That's it. I can't be a gentlemen anymore I grab her and push her on her back. I tear the thick robe stripping her. That devil saw what was mine and hurt her. My goal is to kill him. What I find underneath is an orange belt with a rusty lock with no hole. Whoever left this will die instantly once we meet eye to eye. At least this belt looks easy to take off... No, no way. I can't take it off. I start to panic, but I remember I have my girl asking for her to fill her up. We'll find a way to take it off it looks painfully tight on her. 

"Lucky... ahhh... please touch me." I can't ignore that or when she pushes me making me fall off the bed, hitting the floor. She doesn't even apologize like I expect and makes her way to my belt buckle. She rips it off as if she were experienced. I allow her freedom to do what she wants with my body. 

The floor isn't where I wanted to be where we made love, but I let her push me on the floor stripping my pants and shirt fast. She's a beautiful naked ghoul. All mine. To savor till death. She shocks me when she rips my boxers and holds onto my dick. She's fast taking me into her mouth. The salivation works as her lube. I hear her spit and swallow me as I arc my hips to meet her rhythm. 

I have my arm over my eyes since I trust her and just want to feel her doing whatever she wants to me. If she wants to stop she can do that. I'll be patient. Her tongue just keeps exploring. When she sucks on the tip I almost cum. 

I don't expect her to stop and slam her tight pussy onto me so hard. Her loud moan vibrates on the ground. I look up to her flushed face. She's biting her lip so hard that she draws blood. She just stays still since this is probably her first cock. She had her eyes closed, but when she opened them they turn red as she makes circles her hips with my cock still inside her. 

Her fingers go to my hairy chest. I also go and pull on her nipple to make her moan more. She begins moving in and out of me using my chest as her way to push. I let go of her nipple and hold on to her hips to help her. Her pussy has a mind of its own as it squeezes the cum out of me. She opens her mouth close to my ear and tells me to bite her neck. I instantly do, which makes her orgasm. She loves pain too, I'll remind Mad. After licking up her wound we coming multiple times and fall asleep.

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