Chapter 8

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Benny POV

Am I cupid or am I not? As long as Alex is 100% positive with this decision I'm content. Mariposa's last words to me when she poofed to dust was to be creative with life. Time eventually catches up to you. She saved lives, but at the cost of her life.

Suddenly I hear loud footsteps and Marrisa yelling. Two large men come into my office as if they own the place.

"Sir! I swear I tried telling them we're closed already but they wouldn't stop walking..." I cut off her flustering and just nod my head to the door for her to close it and she obeys reluctantly.

"Who are you gentlemen?" I say leaning back in my chair with my hands in my lap.

"Let me get down to the chase, we're after a ghoul." Says the bigger and taller guy wearing the common black suit and tie. I just give the other one with the vest suit a nod. They scream rich, but filthy from the smell of dogs. Now about this ghoul.

I whistle. Those things are like a plague you can have. Why on earth did they choose this location to hang out in?

"Do you boys have names?" I say to the bodybuilder men before me. The one speaking had broad shoulders that fit a woman's idea of a common buff, but athletic body. While his buddy is leaner, but fit.

"We were sent by Death to capture, not kill, until we decide if she is a further threat to this world and if she is then we'll take her back to our world." He says this and continues talking, but I sit there listening. Hold on, did he say "she?"

"She was last spotted in your club ordering a soda. You of all demons should know who you allow into this establishment. We are the only ones who can tame her."

"Who created her?"

"That's what we want to know. But first we need to find her to know more about who created her. We had a little access to your security cameras and have been eying each damn exit and she hasn't left so she must still be inside the club. It's bad that some of your camera's are low in battery and others dead." How in the world...

"Alright you can check my club and..." I'm cut off.

"We don't need your permission, this was actually the last room we haven't checked so we were wondering if you were hiding her." I guess forget the warrant. I wouldn't trust me. I'd kill them at first sight. This is a ghoul we're talking about. They don't do casual sex. They'd probably eat me if they're hungry.

"We'd like to check under your sink." He says that while walking toward it not asking permission again.

"Yes I smell something man." Says the other asshole. Although instead of looking deadly he seems concerned. He looks to be the one to balance the first guy. He's got wavy shoulder length dirty blonde hair with a beard. Then I notice why he's worried, his buddy looks about to rip that drawer and kill whoever is whimpering in there. His eyes and the way he snarls says it all.

"There you are, you little meat eater bitch." He says as he grabs the ghoul by the arm yanking her out and purposefully hitting her forehead with the top of the door drawer. I hear a whimper then am faced with a definite she.

The large black robe isn't from my club. She was probably wearing that after or before the ritual. Pushing her to the light on the floor makes me gasp. Does this guy know manners? I didn't realize my body moved to stand on its own until I looked down and I had my hands clenched and my knuckles white same thing for the blonde. Based on their scent they're both werewolves.

"How long have you been there meat eater?" When she doesn't answer and just tries to crawl away from him he kicks her in the stomach and she spits blood on my navy mat on the floor. Damn and it's new. She still doesn't answer and groans in pain. She's hugging herself and doesn't look at him.

"Hey Mad! Knock it off she isn't a threat, just look at her, you're more a danger than her. Let her catch her breath..." Say's the vest man. He's cut off.

"Well I have no patience right now! I've been itching for a fight all day and this ghoul is perfect since she'll be strong enough alright? Now answer my damn question you bitch!" Another blow, but this time a kick to her back. He's too fast and lifts her up by neck and flings her to the wall. Once again ruining my furniture. I'd like to see how this goes on. I should have that chocolate bar Marrissa gave me. Damn I don't know if to feel concerned or not care, I mean this is a ghoul. 

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