Chapter 11

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I close the door gently to see if I have little control. Was it my imagination or did she smirk and wink at me before I left? Although then she looked down and frowned.

I can't believe this innocent ghoul is my mate. My wolf won't start yapping about claiming her already. I want to, but the way I abused her she won't want me. I slept outside the room till morning.


I check the time on the dusty grandfather clock here in the hall. Do they even have a maid who cleans? It's dusty here. It's morning while her little performance is at 8 at night, shouldn't she be practicing?

I hear footprints in the room. I stand up. I see the knob open gently and close behind her as she looks at me leaning my shoulder on the dusty wall. I don't ask I just take. I grab both her hands and push them above her head and that seems to turn her on from the smell of arousal. I guess the door must be made of something if I couldn't hear the sex, but smell it on her. I see the bite wound on the right side of her neck.

"Yup you smell of salt and coconut. Tell me. Did he finger you? How about eat you up? I bet I can do better than him. See this bulge? You make me hard, but I'm trying to be good because I might kill you with it. Do you understand?" She shiver's. Doesn't matter because in the end she'll be mine.

"I'll be taking her thank you." A buzzed head I see first. Then notice the woman's face scrunching in disgust, at exactly 5 feet I believe, comes and pulls Lucy's arm from me.

"I was gone for a week and I already have to deal with mierda." She puts her hands to her temples and rubs them as if I would go away. Her arms are filled with tattoos. I instantly notice the red bracelet on her wrist. Shouldn't be bad to kick her since she isn't working.

"Excuse me, tiny female. Watch that pretty mouth before I shut it."

"You got to teach this mate of yours manners. Better yet, put an electric collar on him to tame him." She smirks. She leans on one leg pushing up her chest as a challenge. It only makes her smaller, but deadly from that glare. I see her fully with high waist olive cargo pants and white see through blouse with a black sports bra. She literally smells like bleach.

"Come here honey, your outfit won't be worn without you." She says this pulling Lucy with her.

"Hold it..." I don't finish what I'm about to say. As soon as I laid my touch on her shoulder I feel an electric wave go through my body. I'm struck, immobilized I fall back hiting the ground hard with a thud.

"We should hurry and let others see your beauty for only those worthy men."

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