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June 3

It's officially graduation day school have come to a end and I couldn't been more happy. My mom bust in my room to make sure I was up so I could go get my nails done before my ceremony, she stated my dad should be here when I'm done since he stays almost two hours away. I got up and got dressed and headed over to Asia house to pick her up. I haven't seen my girl all week due to the fact her and Shawn have became so close over these pass 2 months I was real excited for her, Tj didn't join us because he had to get a haircut. I pulled up in front of her building and she ran outside and hopped in. "Girl your hair look cute"Asia said, thanks boo yours do also I told her. We pull up to the nail salon, signed in and waited 5 minutes before we was seated at the nail stations next to each other, I got white nails and white toes and Asia got pink nails and white toes, we took pictures and posted on our snaps and headed back to my car.

"You know we going to be grown after we walked that stage" I told her, "Yes I'm going to low key miss High school" she stated. We both look at each other before busting out laughing and yelled COLLEGE HERE WE COME!

After getting back home it was already 3 and graduation started at 5 so I hurried and shower, did my hair, and put my clothes on. Putting on my jewelry my dad walked in with gifts I took it from him and tried to open it but he told me I had to wait until tonight. My mom stood by my dad and gave me a speech of how proud she was of me and my dad joined in stating the same thing she said which made me laugh, thinking about how much I'm going to miss them when I go to college brought tears to my eyes and my parents said at the same time "here comes the water works" we all shared a laugh and then they told me they was going to be waiting for me in the car since I choose not to drive because I wanted the princess treatment on my big day.

Walking to the entrance I hit the group chat and told Asia and Tj to meet me by the bathroom so we can review how we look. After chatting for a little it was time to line up in order to get seated we all had to seat in the same row because our last name started with c's and we was happy. After hearing our families cheering for us as we walked the stage it was time to throw up our hats, We never did because we didn't want someone random getting what we paid for. After chatting with our families we all headed to dinner and enjoyed great memories.

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