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Jumping out my sleep I realized it was 3 o'clock in the morning, getting out the bed I started throwing my clothes on and looking for all my jewelry which all the moving cause Brick to wake out of his sleep.
Brick: What's wrong Tee?

Tee: Brick get up I got to go back home I was suppose to be back by twelve!

Brick: Why you yelling at me I didn't know you had a curfew.

Tee: Well I can't be out here wilding every night when I still stay with my mom.

Brick: Well you should've just said something so I could've took you back.

Tee: Well I didn't so just take me back now.

Next thing you know my back was against the wall while Brick held on to my arm.

Brick: Tee watch how you talk to me, I ain't do you wrong yet.

Brick getting rough with me turned me on so the next thing I know I was tonguing him down and all that I need to leave stuff went right out the window. Me and Brick had sex for at least two hours it was five o'clock and I was getting out the shower putting my clothes on waiting for Brick.

Rushing home I made Brick park in the front of my house and I jumped out the car not thinking if my mom could see who I was with. I knew she was still up because the front porch light was on. Opening the door my mom was standing by all my bags which I knew I had put in my room.

Tee: Mom why my bags down here.

Mom: Since you want to lie about where you going you can leave.

Tee: Mom I was with Asia.

Mom: And you still sitting in my face lying, instead of me putting my hands on you, you just need to tell your ride not to leave cause you going back with them.

Tee: Mom please don't do this.

Not saying another word my mom grab my stuff and sat it on the porch while pushing me out the door, closing it fast all I heard was the door lock and I instantly fell to the ground and started crying because what was I suppose to do.

Caught By A Real Nigga Where stories live. Discover now