Date Night

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"I should shave" i say as I look at myself in the mirror

I had on a white t-shirt, black jeans, white converse shoes, a white hoodie, and a blue jean jacket. It was casual but not bummy. Perfect

"Where you headed" Kamui asks as he passes by the bathroom I was in

After I completed my training, I went on patrol and easy missions with Kamui Woods and his sidekicks for the rest of the internship. I get close with all of them. Kitaru was passionate and bold, sometime reckless, but never enough to get in the way of his job. Yurei was soft spoken but elegant. She was also the most levelheaded of the three. Jikan was quiet as hell. He hardly ever spoke but when he did it was usually in anger. Kitaru would often poke fun or mess with Jikan, pissing him off. He probably did it to get a reaction from Yurei who would always giggle when Jikan yelled. He probably had a thing for her

Kamui had to act as a parent to the three of them and keep them steady. He himself was very professional in his heroism, often pointing out efficiency errors in how we apprehended someone. His quirk control was also outstanding. He could create and attack his wood limbs with pinpoint precision and power

Anyway, today was the last day of my internship and I was excited, for one reason. I had a date with Mirko. I was still staying at Kamui Woods' apartment for the length of the internship so he let me use a spare room and bathroom. He also bought me some clothes and other things I'd lost in the fire

"I..." i say as I spray myself with cologne, "...have a date"

"Oh wow" he says somewhat sarcastically, "With who?"

"Gentlemens secret" i smirk

"Ok" he chuckles, "Have fun, be back by 11, and wear protection"

"Sensei!" I exclaim

"I'm serious" he says, "I'd hate for all your training to go to waste because you got some girl pregnant"

"Thanks" i mumble, still embarrassed

He leaves me to get ready and goes out on patrol for the day. I finish getting ready and leave for the mall where me and Mirko were supposed to meet

I had to catch 2 buses and a train to Tokyo but I eventually made it. When I got to the mall, I noticed all the small shops and stores. They were mostly selling clothing, trinkets, and other small items, things that a girl Mirkos age would like. I sit at a fountain in the very middle of the mall and send Mirko a text telling her where I was

Y/N: [Im sitting by the fountain in the center. I'm wearing a jean jacket and black jeans]

Mirko: [Sounds good]

I put my phone in my pocket and take my seat on a bench. I lay my head back and stare up at the sky and think about Seinikku

How am I going to beat him?

How does his quirk work?

Should i be training more?

Am I prepared to die to beat hi-

"We haven't even started and you already look like shit" a voice chuckles

I lower my head and see Mirko standing before me. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, white adidas shoes, a black hat that hid her hair and ears, and a black crop top hoodie that showed a little underboob. What really caught my attention though, was her dark red lipstick and newly black eyes

So fucking hot

"Quite the disguise" i say, trying to hide my blush, "You look good though"

"Awwwe thanks. I wanted to try and hide myself but also look good" she says, "I think I did pretty good"

Of Earth and Fist(Male Reader x Mirko)Where stories live. Discover now