Chapter 18

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Rachel's dream

Rachel's pov
W-Where am I?

Huh,I'm in a garage.that's so cool!

"Ok Rachel,show what you got."I heard Dom say,wait...I'm in a car?!"You got it Dom!"i said,I started the car.Wait a minute when did I learn how to drive?!my burnt arm began to hurt,"FRICK!"I yelled in pain.i swerved the car and managed to stop it before I could crash it,"Rachel!"I heard Mia yell.

End of Rachel's dream

Rachel's pov
"Rachel!"I heard Leon yell,I jumped a bit and woke up.i yawned,"what a good sleep,weird dream though."I said."We're here."he said,my face dropped."Oh..."I said,he nodded.i grabbed all of my things and stepped out of the car,"oh,here:one more thing before I leave."he said.he handed me a map,"that'll help you get to Miami."he explained.i stuffed it in my pocket,"thanks Leon."I said.i took one step,I turned around quickly."Where are you gonna go Leon?"I asked him as he closed the passenger door,he shrugged."don't know,don't care."he said,he started the car and drove off,"Bye!"I said.i waved goodbye,i exhaled and looked at the road ahead of me.

There was a party going on!"New Orleans seems fun!"i said,I grabbed my camera out of my backpack.i took some good pictures,I then sat down by a building to take a break.i put my camera in my backpack,I then heard my stomach growl."boy oh boy I'm hungry already?"i said to myself,I dug into my backpack and took out a turkey sandwich that I bought from Toretto' I took a bite out of my sandwich I heard a dog bark,I swallowed a piece of my sandwich."H-Hello?"I called out nervously,all of the sudden a German shepherd appeared.his tongue was sticking out and he was panting,"H-Hello there."i said walked towards me,i gulped.

It sat down beside me and whimpered,"awww,are you hungry big guy?"I asked whimpered again,I looked at my sandwich.i split it in half and placed it in front of the dog,"here ya go."i said as I petted its head.he happily ate the sandwich,"hmmm you don't have an owner..."I said as I looked at him."Wanna come with me?I'm going to Miami to find my friend Brian."i said to him,he licked my face.i giggled,"I'll take that as a yes."i said.i petted his head,"you need a name though..."I trailed off.he looked at me,I spotted a bandana on the floor.

"oh!what a coincidence!"i picked it up off the the ground and and put it on the dog's neck."i dub the,Jesse:you're named after my best friend who was like a brother to me."i said,Jesse barked happily.i giggled,I stood up and grabbed my backpack."Come on Jesse,we have a long journey ahead of us."i said,he barked and followed me.

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