Chapter 48

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Rachel's pov
"Hurry up dad!"i said nervously,Dom was already ahead of us!"hang on tight Rach."Brian said,he hit the gas and went ahead of Dom."WOO!"I cheered,Dom drove near us.he smirked and drove faster,"C'mon!"Brian yelled."son of a-""language!"Brian cut me off,"ah man,can't I curse once?"I asked him."not until you're 18 Rach."he replied,I mumbled.we finally made it to the hospital Mia was in,the nuns were saying something in Spanish but luckily Elena swooped in and helped us translate.i was trying to learn Spanish but it's kind of hard,I stayed back with Dom and Elena whiled Brian went with the nuns.i fiddled with my fingers and gently rubbed my burnt arm,"You ok?"Elena asked me.

I nodded,"I'm just,nervous."I said."it's ok to be nervous."she reassured me,I smiled."thanks Elena."i said,the nuns came out again and said something in Spanish."What?"I asked,"they said that the baby is here."Elena translated.i widened my eyes and gulped,I followed the nuns inside.i saw Brian and Mia,she was holding something in her arms.Brian noticed me and walked towards me,smiling."ready to meet your brother?"he asked me,I nodded nervously.he gently put his hand on my back and led me towards Mia and my brother,"Rachel,meet your brother:Jack."Mia said.i looked at him,his eyes looked just like Brian's.

"Want to hold him?"Brian asked."N-No,what if my arm suddenly hurts?wh-What if I drop him?wha-"Mia cut me off,"Rach,Rach,it's ok.we'll help you out,you don't need to be nervous."she reassured me.i gulped.Brian gently grabbed Jack from Mia,"make sure to support the head."he said as he gently handed Jack to I held him in my arms I immediately began to tear up,"I promise to protect you."I whispered to him.he smiled at me,I smiled back.i gently kissed his nose,making him giggle.

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