Chapter 33

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Rachel's nightmare

Rachel's pov
I screamed as I ran down an alley,my dad found me:how did he find me?!"GOT YA!"he finally caught me and grabbed me by my burnt arm,I screamed in pain as he dragged me to a lit garbage can."This is what you get for running away you little brat!"he yelled,I widened my eyes as he grabbed my non burnt arm."NO NO NO NO BRIAN HELP ME!"I begged for Brian,my dad dunked my arm into the fire.i screamed in pain,it was unbearable.

I opened my eyes and saw myself on a road,I raised an eyebrow in confusion.How did I get here?Suddenly a car crashed in front of me,I jumped back and I widened my eyes at what I saw:It was Letty,She had a bullet in her forehead.I began to freak out as she grabbed me by my burnt arm,it hurt so much.I began to kick and scream,"LETTY PLEASE DONT DO THIS!IT'S ME LETTY IT'S RACHEL!"I yelled.she yelled me up in the air and over the water,"I don't know you."she said.she then dropped me,I screamed.

End of Rachel's nightmare

Rachel's pov
This time I screamed as I woke up.I was sweaty and tears were rolling down my cheeks,my screams woke everyone up(including Jesse who was right next to me).Jesse began to bark loudly,Mia and Brian ran into my room.i felt like I couldn't breathe,"Rach,Rach it's ok!"Mia tried to calm me down.i couldn't though,I was so scared I felt like I couldn't think.i couldn't even speak,it was too much.Brian pulled me into a tight hug,"Brian what are you-"he cut her off."shhhh,shhh,it's ok Rachel I got you.shhh shhhh,it's ok."he began to reassure me,"I-It h-hurts."i managed to say.i was practically gasping for air at this point,"I know,I know,it's ok."he said.he brushed my hair with his hand,Jesse whines and placed his head on my lap.

I began to calm down,i felt like I could breath again.and before I knew it,I passed out.i was out cold,"she's alright,she's alright."I heard Brian reassuring Mia."do these happen all the time?"she asked him in a concerned tone,I didn't hear anything."my god...Brian she's too young for all of this."she said,"you think I don't know that Mia?"he asked her."I've tried giving her a normal life but even that wasn't working."he explained,I felt I a burden?no,no,no.I'm a good kid,I'm a good kid.I'm not bad,I'm not.

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