Chapter 4

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Rachel's pov
i immediately turned around and helped Brian up,despite my arm being in agonizing pain."Are you ok Brian?"I asked,"I'm ok Rachel."he reassured me."Are you ok?that shove seemed to hurt you a lot."he pointed out,"Well my arm now hurts,I gotta go to the pharmacy and get more burn cream."i said."I can take you."he said,"No,no,you don't have to.Besides,I need to get my money from my-"I immediately covered my mouth."What?"he asked,I began to sweat nervously."Rachel you can tell me anything,I'm your friend."he said,I sighed."I'll show you."i said,we got in his truck.i gave him directions to my tent,when we arrived I noticed it was destroyed.i widened my eyes and got out of the car,"NO!"I screamed.

I ran towards the remains of my tent:anything I had left that wasn't ruined was now ruined,"Rachel..."Brian said.i fell to my knees and cried,"I don't have anything anymore..."I whispered.he sat beside me,"you could stay with me."he suggested.i sniffed,"really?"i said.he nodded,we both stood up,I noticed one thing wasn't was my Polaroid camera,I sighed with relief."My mom gave this to me before she died,it's the only thing I have to remember her for."I explained,"have you ever taken a photo with it?"Brian asked.i shook my head,he gently grabbed it from my hands."Well why don't we take one?"he suggested,I grinned.we looked at the camera lenses and made a funny face,after the picture was taken we waiting for it to appear.

"Hey not bad."he said when it appeared,I giggled."we look funny."i said,he laughed."Yeah,we do."he said,I winced in pain."Oh right!your burn cream!"Brian said,we got in his truck and drove to the pharmacy.i walked up to the counter,Brian stood beside me."Heya Phil!"i said to the pharmacist,"Hey Rachel,back for some more burn cream?"he asked.i nodded,"I'll be paying for it."Brian said."Who's this Rachel?"he asked,"uhh..."should I lie?no,lying is wrong."He's my friend!"i said,"Ah ok."Phil said.after I got my burn cream Brian took me shopping,he could tell I needed new clothes....and maybe a bath.after finding some good clothes he got me a surprise gift,a backpack!it was very pretty!

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