Chapter 13

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Rachel's pov
at first i was shocked,but then I was calm."You're not gonna arrest Dom are you?"i asked,"No,no,i was sent down here to arrest someone else."he replied."my name isn't actually Brian Earl Spilner,it's Brian O'Conner."he admitted,"I suspected it,I mean what kind of name is Brian Earl Spliner?"I said.he chuckled,"I didn't chose my name."he said.he cleared my throat,getting serious again."if my cover is blown,they'll have to relocate me somewhere else for another case."i began to explain,"oh...."i said."What...what'll happen to us?"I asked,"you'll just have to come with me."he said."Are you ok with that?"he asked,I looked down at the floor.I've been in California my whole life,am I ready to just leave it all for Brian?

"Can I think about it?"I asked,"of course Rachel.besides,I need to go do something with Mia."he said.he stood up,"Brian?"I said.he looked at me,"do you wanna hug before you go?"I asked.he smiled,"sure."he said.i got off the chair i was sitting on and ran towards Brian,I hugged him tightly.he hugged me back,"you're a good kid Rachel."he said.i grinned,"I'll be back soon."he said as he walked towards the front door."Promise?"i said.he nodded,"I promise."he said.he then left the house,I ran towards the window and looked out.i saw Brian get in his Supra and drive off,I looked around the house."Huh,I'm home alone..."I thought,I sat down on the couch.

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