Chapter 41

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Rachel's pov
I screamed,holding onto Mia's hand as we all began to run.we split off from Dom:so now it was just me,Mia,and're probably confused so I'll just quickly tell you what's going on:basically we're being chased by the faleva and the FBI.Brian shoved someone out of the way,someone nearly grabbed Mia but I bit them.Mia grabbed me as they person screamed,we continued to run.suddenly Jesse's bandana slipped off my head,"NO!"I screamed tearfully as it fell down."we gotta go!"Brian yelled,I cried as Mia lifted me up and followed Brian.we ended up at the edge of a building,"we're gonna have to jump!"Brian said as Mia placed me down.we all held hands,"3...2...1!"Brian yelled.we all jumped off the building,we ended up in a sewer.once we were out of the sewers we reunited with Dom,I ran to him and hugged his hip.

"I lost it Dom!i lost Jesse's bandana!"I sobbed.he looked at me sadly,"I'll get it back for you somehow."he promised me.i looked at him and sniffed,"we're going to have to split up again."he said as I went to Mia and Brian."we can't Dom."Mia said,"yeah!we're all in this mess together."I said."I can't drag you all into this more then I already have."Dom said."Dom's right."Brian said to me and Mia,"I'm pregnant."Mia confessed.Brian and Dom looked shocked,I gasped and my jaw dropped.Brian smiled and hugged Mia,I squealed as they kissed.they pulled me into the hug as well,"you're going to be a sister Rachel."Mia said to me.

"A....A sister?"i said,making sure that what she said was correct."yes Rach,a sister."Brian said,"you're family Rach,remember?"Mia said.i immediately cried again,this time it was tears of joy.i hugged them both,they hugged me back.we all looked at Dom,who didn't say anything."Dom,promise me we'll stay together?"Mia asked him,he then smiled."always."he said,he walked towards us and hugged us all."the family just got a whole lot bigger."he said,i grinned.

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