Chapter 72

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"We can't drag Brian and Mia back into this Letty."

"Well...there is technically one person we could drag back into this."


Rachel's pov
"WOOO!"me and my friends,Mitch,Johnny,Rocco,Ali,and Sam were all racing each other."THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!"Mitch screamed,"FUCK YEAH!"Sam screamed as well.we finally made it to the beach,I parked perfect while everyone else drift parked.Johnny got out of his car first,he immediately took out a cancer stick and lit it.Mitch and Rocco got out of their cars,they grabbed the beach stuff from the trunks of their cars.Ali and Sam got out of their cars,taking out the cooler with the beers in it from Sam's car.i got out of my car and took out a blanket,we walked down to the beach and set everything up.after that we all sat down,looking at the ocean.

"Should we go swimming later?"Johnny asked,exhaling smoke."meh,I dunno."Rocco said,shrugging his shoulders.we then heard car engines,we all immediately got up.Johnny threw his cancer stick down and stomped on it,two cars appeared.we all relaxed when we saw that it was just Roman and my aunt Letty,"oh it's ok,it's just Roman and your aunt Letty."Mitch said.i smiled and ran towards them,they hugged me."it's so good to see you guys again!"i said happily,"I hate to be the guy that ruins a cute moment butttt,what the fuck I'll do it:why are you guys here?did something happen?do we need to kick ass?"Mitch asked them.Johnny slapped the back of his head,"Ow!"Mitch said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"actually something did happen,we need your help."Letty said to the group,she then turned to me."we're not asking your parents because they gotta be there for your brother and sister."she explained to me,i was now confused and concerned."aunt Letty what is it?what's wrong?"I asked worryingly,she looked and Roman and then back at me.

"Dom went rouge."

We all(except for Roman and aunt Letty)widened our eyes and gasped."Holy...shit..."Rocco managed to say,"my thoughts exactly."Ali agreed with him."what happened?"Sam asked nervously,"we don't really know that much information,we assembled the team but we need you guys to help us too.i know it's asking a lot..."aunt Letty trailed off."we need you,all of you,to help us get Dom back and bring him home."she begged,I looked at my friends.they all looked at me,"it's your call Rach."Johnny said.i nodded,I turned back around and faced Roman and aunt Letty."we'll help you get uncle Dom back."I said confidently,she smiled.

My friends cheered,"WOOO HOOO WE GET TO BE IN MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!"Mitch cheered,Johnny once again slapped the back of his head.Ali surprisingly flicked the back of Johnny's head,"if you keep doing that to Mitch he'll be stupid forever,no offense Mitch."Ali said."none taken."Mitch said,rubbing the back of his head.Rocco and Sam laughed,I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

This was going to be yet another long adventure

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