Chapter 64

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Rachel's pov
It was a normal typical day:dad dropped off Jack to school and I went to school with my friends.after school we decided to just hang out and chill for a bit,but then we just decided to go to my house and study for our history test."man I hate history."Rocco said as we drove to my house,"what's wrong with history man?"Ali asked him."I mean,all we're learning about is stuff that happened a long time ago!"Rocco complained,"that's the point of history dumbass."Sam scolded him.Johnny was probably about to agree with her,but then we heard an explosion.we all stopped our cars at the same time,"holy shit..."Johnny whispered.the explosion came from my house,my house!i immediately took the car off park and began to drive as fast as I could to my house,not giving a shit if I was breaking the law:I've already done that.

I sloppily parked the car and scrambled to get out,I couldn't believe what I was seeing:the house that I technically grew up in was now gone."MOM!DAD!JACK!"I cried as I ran towards them,they asked hugged me.i sobbed as I hugged them back,I noticed my friends and uncle Dom."holy shit!"all of my friend said,"watch your language!my brother is right here!"I scolded them."sorry Rach,but we gotta find out who did this!"Mitch said,"Deckard Shaw."uncle Dom said."Shaw has a brother?"I asked,he nodded."holy shit..."I whispered,widening my eyes.

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