Chapter 34

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Rachel's pov
Guess what happened to me?

That's right:I was kidnapped by Braga.he kidnapped me and Jesse and...I clutched onto Jesse's bandana as I rocked back and forth,my best friend was dead...again.

Hey guys Amy here I didn't want to write a dog death scene sooooo

You're welcome

I sobbed,I'm only 12 years old.a kid my age shouldn't be having so much trauma and PTSD,it's too much."don't cry Rach."I heard Jesse say,I looked up and saw Jesse with other Jesse(my dog)."how can I not cry Jess?you and Jesse are gone,I'm alone."i said,"you still have Mia,Dom,and Brian."he reassured me."But what about Vince?and Leon?"I asked,"I'm sure they're alive and hiding out somewhere."he reassured me.i sniffed,"I just wanna go back home...but I don't even know where home is anymore."I admitted.Jesse didn't say anything,"you have a home,it's your family Rach.its Mia,Dom,and Brian."he reassured me.he then slowly faded away,along with my dog.i began to cry again,I was now truly alone.

"God,it's me:Rachel Ann Marie.i know I only pray to you when I eat breakfast,lunch,and dinner but I need your help.I'm too young to die god,there's so much I haven't done yet.please god,help me."i prayed silently,I needed a miracle and I needed it right now.

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