Chapter 46

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Rachel's pov
Mia,Brian,and I ran as fast as we could,the law had finally caught up to us.Brian somehow ripped open a vent,I crawled in there.Brian put it back on,"go find everyone else."Mia commanded."What?!no!i can't just leave you guys!"I cried,"you have to Rach,you have to."Brian said.they ran off,"NO WAIT!"I yelled.i looked behind me,I could've easily went to the rest of the group.but when I looked back I saw some people punching Brian and trying to grab Mia,I widened my eyes."no...."I whispered,I angrily kicked the vent open and ran towards the guy trying to grab Mia.i jumped on top of him and bit down on his shoulder,"AGH!"he screamed in pain.he let go of Mia who punched the guy who punched Brian,I guy I was biting pried me off of his shoulder.

He grabbed me by my burnt arm and threw me across the garage,I didn't go that far though.however,I was in a lot of pain.i screamed loudly and held onto my burnt arm,"RACHEL!"Mia and Brian both yelled.the ran towards me,"IT HURTS!IT HURTS!"I repeated.Mia held me in her arms,I held onto her and cried out in pain.she carefully lifted me up,"you three will be arrested,and she'll be sent back to her real family."Hobbs said as we got into a car."NO!NO!I CAN'T GO BACK!HE'LL KILL ME!"I sobbed,"You will not take her away!"Mia yelled."She's family!"Brian yelled,he gently grabbed me from Mia and held me in his arms."her real father did this to her."he said,pointing at my burnt arm.i sobbed and held onto Brian,"it's going to be ok."he reassured me.

Unfortunately things got more intense

No one's pov
An ambush happened

Luckily Elena let Brian,Mia,Vince,and Dom go.she stayed with Rachel while they helped Hobbs out,Rachel rocked back and forth while clutching onto her burnt arm.she sniffed and shook,Elena felt bad for her.she dug into her pocket,"I believe this belongs to you."she said.Rachel looked at her and saw her holding Jesse's hat,she gasped."Jesse!"she exclaimed,she swiped it out of Elena's hand.she cried tears of joy as she held in her hand,"Jesse...was he a friend of yours?"she asked her.Rachel looked down sadly,"he was more than my best friend,he was like a brother I've always wanted."she replied sadly."I had to watch him die in my own arms."she said,tears already starting to form in her eyes.

Everyone got back In the car,but Vince got shot."stay with us Vince!"Dom said,"keep your eyes open!"Rachel begged.she tried to put pressure on his gunshot wound but she was too weak.Vince laughed,"you know,when you first came to the shop:I thought Mia has a kid.i didn't like you at all,I thought I'd still have a chance with her:but now she's with buster."Vince began to speak."S-Save your strength Vince."Rachel begged,Vince wiped her tears with the hand he had on his wound."i don't hate you kid,I want you to know that...I never hated you."he said,she began to cry.he then looked at Dom and said,"I have a kid,named him after you:you'd probably like him."he then stopped breathing.Rachel sobbed and hugged his dead body,Vince was dead.

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