Chapter 66

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Rachel's pov
We met some guy named Mr.Nobody,a pretty weird name for a guy.what's even weirder is the name of his assistant:little nobody.anyways the team was assembled again,and mr.Nobody explained our mission to all of us.he said he'd help us take down Shaw if we help him with this mission:apparently we gotta save some kidnapped computer hacker who developed a powerful surveillance program,if her program fell into the wrong hands horrible things would happen(basically it's like the mission we had to do back when we kicked Deckard Shaw's brother Owen's ass).Mr.Nobody pulled up a map while little nobody explained the route,uncle Dom was going to try to make a plan but Roman was blabbering I'm about how he wanted to make a plan.

I squinted my eyes and examined the map,I quietly gasped.i was about to say my plan but little nobody and Roman were arguing,I glared at both of them.i held up my robotic arm in the air and shot my fist into the roof,making a hole.that certainly got everyone's attention,my hand shot back down,I attached it back into my wrist."now that I have your attention I would like to tell you all about my plan."i said,"and what's your plan exactly?"Roman asked."ok now this is going to sound crazy but hear me out ok?"i said,everyone nodded.i began to plan with the map,"ok so:you want us to get to the road quicker so that we can get to her on time,right?"I asked mr.Nobody.

"That's correct."he replied,"well I think I know how we can get to the road quicker:let's just load up our cars in a big cargo plane,the plane can then drop us down onto the road and bam!we'll get to the girl and save her."I explained my plan to him."impressive."he complimented me,dad smiled.little nobody shrugged,"I guess it'll work."he said."it will work,I promise."i said,looking at we all got in our cars and got them loaded up into the cargo plane,I was reading a book and staying calm.the plane then began to shake,I put my book away in my backpack."Hey Roman,you're freaking out aren't you?"I heard Tej asked Roman through the walkie talkie,"no."Roman immediately replied.

"Yeah you are."Tej said in a teasing way,"i said I'm fine."Roman said.i could tell he was totally lying,"Listen man it takes a grown man to embrace his fears,"Tej said.I laughed,"if you wanna cry you can cry."he continued."yo can you just chill out!"Roman said,I picked up the walkie talkie."ah come on Roman this was your plan."I spoke into the walkie talkie,"no this was your plan!"he said."Yeah but you're the one who wanted to make the plan,so therefore:it's your plan."I teased him,we then heard the alarm go off.i put the walkie talkie down and buckled up,I could hear the cargo door opening."Yo Roman,you need some fresh air?cause you about to get a whole lot of it."Tej said in the walkie talkie,"ok here we go!"uncle Dom said in the walkie talkie.

He backed his car out and dropped out of the plane,"woah..."I whispered.then dad backed out,"this is officially the coolest thing I've ever done."i said.i backed out of the plane and dropped,I felt my stomach doing loops.i laughed and cheered,then I saw Tej and Letty's cars drop out.i picked up my walkie talkie and asked,"did everyone get out?"Tej sounded like he was freaking out a bit but Letty was ok.Roman unfortunately was too chicken to drop out of the plane,luckily Tej knew this would happen.i then saw Roman's car flipping around in the air,I couldn't help but to laugh.i then saw Dom releasing his parachute,then dad,then me,and then Tej and Letty.

Once we got close to the road we all dropped our chutes and immediately began to drive,I looked through my rear view mirror and saw Roman was slowly parachuting down."ah shit."i said,"Sit right Roman we'll come back for you."uncle Dom said through the walkie talkie."THIS IS NOT THE PLAN!"Roman yelled through the walkie talkie,we still went along with the plan anyways:uncle Dom got Ramsey while I had to save my dad from falling off of a cliff.

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