Chapter 20

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Rachel's dream

Rachel's pov
I'm in a house,'s Mia and Dom's house!i can bear a baby crying,I got up from the bed I was in and followed the crying.i walked into a nursery and saw a baby in a crib,"awww,Hey there little guy."i I reached out for them I saw my burnt arm was gone,I had a prosthetic arm instead.except it wasn't a prosthetic arm,it was a robot arm!

End of Rachel's dream

Rachel's pov
A bump woke me up,"sorry kid,did that wake you up?"the driver asked."no,no,it's ok."i said,rubbing my eyes.Jesse licked my face,"Are we almost in Miami?"I asked the guy."nah,we gotta stop for gas.but don't worry,we'll be there in 2 hours."he replied,I stared out the was dark,but there were some stars out.the moon was nice and bright,I remember it being like a nightlight for me...


Rachel's pov(6 years old)
After setting up my tent I realized I forgot my sleeping bag,"Ah poo!"I cursed.i sighed,I sat down on the wet grass and put the blanket on my body.i looked up and noticed there was a little hole in the tent,moonlight was peeking through the tent.i could almost see the moon,for a moment I felt so....calm and comforted.i exhaled and closed my eyes,feeling relaxed.

End of flashback!

Rachel's pov
I sighed and took out the picture of me and Brian from my pocket,"I'm almost here Bri....I'm almost here."I thought.I decided to take another nap,luckily I didn't have another nightmare.



"Hey kid!"

I jolted awake,"huh?"i said."Here we are kid:Miami."the guy said as he stopped the car,I grabbed my stuff and open the door.i then got out of the car,Jesse followed me."by mister sports car man!"i said as I waved goodbye,"bye Rachel,hope you find your friend."he said.he then drove off,he was right:it's hot in Miami.i wiped the sweat off my forehead,Jesse panted."we can do this boy,"i said,I took out the photo of me and Brian from my pocket."let's go find Brian."i said to Jesse,he barked and followed me.we walked down the street,i gulped and looked around nervously.i gasped when I saw a car garage,"Maybe they know where Brian is!"I said to Jesse.He barked and followed me as I ran towards the garage,I walked inside.

"Can I help you kid?"a lady asked,i gulped."I-uh,I'm looking for my friend Brian:have you seen him?"I asked as I handed her the photo,she looked at it."nope sorry,haven't seen him."she said,handing me back the photo."oh..."i said sadly,she looked around.she then got closer to me,"he may be at the street race that's happening tomorrow."she whispered to me.i gasped,Stars appeared in my eyes."Thanks for telling me."I whispered,"you're welcome kid."she said.i ran out of the garage,"we'll probably go to that street race Jesse,for now though we should keep looking for him:he could be in any garage in Miami!"I said to Jesse.

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