Chapter 42

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Rachel's pov
Dom and Brian were calling up some old friends to help us with this new heist we were planning.i was with Mia waiting for Dom and Brian,"woo,damn this place is huge."I heard Roman's voice.i gasped and stood up,Mia looked at me in a confused way,"no way..."I whispered."Rach?you ok?"she asked me.we then saw Dom and Brian,Roman and Tej we're behind Brian.i gasped and smiled,"ROMAN!TEJ!"i exclaimed.they widened their eyes when they saw me,"RACHEL!"they both yelled.i ran towards them and laughed,happy tears rolling down my cheeks.i hugged them both,they hugged me back."I'm going to guess and say that you guys are Roman and Tej."Mia said,"is there a hugging party I didn't know about?"I heard Giselle say.

I gasped,"GISELLE!"I cheered.i ran to her and hugged her tightly,she lifted me up."how's my favorite tough girl?"she asked me,"I thought you were tough."i said.she smirked,"well you are too."she said.i gasped and squealed,as she put me down I saw a new guy eating snacks."first of all,who are you?second of all,can I have some of your snacks?"I asked the guy,"that's Han,and I wouldn't bother asking him to-"Han cut Dom off."I'll give you some,if you tell me your name."he said,"I'm Rachel,but you can call me whatever you want!"I replied.he smiled,"nice to meet you Rachel."he said,he dug into the bag he was holding and handed me some chips.

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