Chapter 1

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Alexis stood at the kitchen counter as she looked at her mother. 

"Well open it!" Her mother squealed. 

"Ok ok.." Truth was I was nervous about going to the top Equestrian Academy in America. She was excited to bring her gelding Ebony, but was nervous about leaving her mother here alone on the ranch. What if something happens, like a fire happens, or the horses escape. 

"Alexis! It's ok I am positive that they'll accept you" Her mother reassured her. I nodded and quickly ripped it open and read it.

Dear Alexis Davis,

We are sorry to say that we don't have any more space left in our stable for you and your horse Ebony. We have sent a recommendation letter to White Ridge Academy, you will be getting a letter in the mail in a few days saying if you are accepted We are sorry again about the inconvenience. We hope you have a wonderful time if you are accepted.

Headmaster Olivia Williams

I let out a sigh and handed the letter to my mother. She looks up at me and sighs. "I'm so sorry Alexis. I know how much you wanted to go, but we have the school they recommended. Maybe you should start packing up Ebony's tack?" I sighed and nodded slowly "I guess, but we don't even know where this academy is" 

"It's most likely in the U.S." Her mother said. I nodded, turned around and headed to my room. I lied down on my bed and stared at my ceiling until I had fallen asleep. 

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