Chapter 1

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A man in his late 30's with dark green short hair was sitting in sorrow next to a hospital bed, on the bed appeared to be a woman in her 20's. She had dry discolored scaly skin, with dark green rims under her bright green eyes.

Once a strong and beautiful woman, now a sick, withered one, she was connected to machines that were dripping fluids, and a machine that was keeping track of her heart, the man was holding the woman's hand compassionately, they were completely silent when it was broken by a raspy and sick voice of the woman.

"I've got to tell you something".

The man stood up putting his ear to her voice not wanting her to strain herself any more than she needed.

"What is it, my love", the man proclaimed with nothing but passion in his tone.

"Norman, please don't hate me for what I'm about to say", the woman announced now with bright green tears rolling off her face.

"I'll never hate you, I'll never stop loving you, what ever your about to say I'll never --".

"It's genetic, I knew... yet still, like the selfish person I was I loved and gave birth, Harry, please do what you must, I don't want him to suffer like I have".

With the revelation of the news, Norman eyes began to leak, as he gulped closing them for just a moment wanting them to return, but they never did, he began to weep. He pressed his mouth to his wife kissing her whispering in her ear, with a sobber expression.

"I will, no matter what, I'll protect Harry, make sure he lives a long, happy life, I promise you, Emily Osborn, the woman I fell in love with, that I will find a cure".

In the last moment of Emily's life she lit a bright smile, well bright for Norman, she whispered.

"But remember always be the man I lov-", she was cut off as the heart monitors began to beep as she lead their motionless, Norman putted off the monitors as he lead their sitting still holding onto his beloved partner.

A crew of doctors and nurses entered the door with Norman putting a hand up making them stop, they exited the room as Norman was left alone once again, after a minute he let go of his wife wiping the water from his gave with a expensive looking cloth.

He regulated his breathing before leaving the room not looking behind himself, he took out a mobile phone calling someone, Norman spoke to the person, completely normally.

"Richard I'll need your help".

A few weeks had passed as Norman was in a lab with 3 other scientist, in front of them was some sort of holographic technology.

Moments later a man with a brown hair and a thick beard joined them, Norman immediately noticed the man's presence dropping every he had to do, walking towards him.

"Richard have you got what I need"

The man responded "wasn't easy, but I did".

Taking out from his pocket was a vile of purplish fluid, Norman snatched it out of his hands returning to work, he stopped half way to his desk before turning his head. Breathing deep in and in a voice with complete gratitude.

"Thanks, I know you took a massive risk".

"Anything for a friend".

Norman slowly whipped but to his desk, he immediately putted the mysterious substance under a microscope taking notes on the structure of the material.

Tomorrow night Richard and his wife Mary Parker were on a public plane, Mary tapped on her laptop as Richard had received a email by Mary which said.

"Richard, you haven't told me what this off grid research is about".

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