Chapter 7

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Serge, or what his friends called him Frenchie found himself in the same situation he was in before reluctantly joining up with the boys, in prison, of course the sight didn't scare him, he's been in tougher and scarier scenarios in his life. Frenchie is shown laying down on his prison bed trying to get some sleep as it was night when he's awaken by a guard, the guard didn't speak instead gestured for Frenchie to leave the cell and follow him which he did. Frenchie attempted to communicate with the guard but he didn't respond, walking outside of the prison, each guard letting the two by.

Eventually Frenchie was given a change of clothes which he changed into, he exited the prison with the guard just leaving him. Smiling Frenchie began walking where a white limo caught his eye, Frenchie approached the limo as he recognized the license plate, a pervious employer. The window of the limo lowered revealing a bald man in a white suit, one of the most famous and richest politician Wilson Fisk.

"Come in my friend", he asked in a tone of voice which was demanding but not rude.

Frenchie opened the door stepping inside of limo he was face to face with possibly the most dangerous man in new York besides maybe Homelander. The limo drove with Frenchie just staring blankly at Fisk.

"So how do you say you work for me Frenchie, just like the good old days, the empire hasn't been the same without your knowledge and expertise in narcotics?", Though it was presented as a question Frenchie knew the only way he could survive this encounter was by just complying so that's exactly what he did.

Norman Osborn is seen talking to captain Stacy face to face.

"So your planning on using serge as an inside spy to take out Fisk"

"Yes, Serge has a history with Fisk and even has his trust by him saving his daughter years ago, serge is the only one who can be a spy for me, I do have your trust that you won't be telling anyone about Serge's under cover mission, the rest of the team is under the impression that serge is still in prison and we have to keep it that way, the more people who know the higher chance in serge getting found out".

"Of course, I'll keep my mouth shut, however Vought and Fisk are not the only enemies that we have, there's also tombstone, my guys have been investigating dozens of missing people, I speculate tombstone has something to do with it, a week back a drive by occured Vought hero blue hawk was there, but CT tv cameras had shown the criminals were strong, strong enough to send blue hawk to the hospital he won the battle even killing them in the process but facial recognition had shown one of the criminals were a missing person I was investigating, these streets are becoming more dangerous when times goes by" George Stacy states grimly.

Norman responds "which is why under my direct control we'll stop Vought, Fisk and tombstone, it'll take sacrifice but I give you my word we will end them... Hopely with the least amount of death possible".

Captain Stacy grins about Norman's declaration.

"You know I thought you the on the top of the list of scum bags, with the incident with Dr Connor's-".

Norman interrupts Captain Stacy "yes, he got corrupted by grief, injecting himself with his own formula that I wasn't even related with compound v, however me and Martin stopped his rampage before it even began".

"Yet he still works for you, why is that", Stacy says, in a curious tone, Norman looks at George Stacy.

It was the morning... the morning where Peter had his trip at Oscorp, Peter couldn't help but be excited with the revolutionary progress of science due to Norman Osborn mind. He couldn't wait to see what oscorp has, when he woke up he took a shower, dressed and went down stairs to see his uncle and aunt, Ben was getting ready for work while May was wishing him luck for the day, they wished which made Peter cringe at the sight.

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