Chapter 4

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Norman Osborn was seen sitting by the side of him was his trusted butler and an asian man in a suit, he also has a cast on both his arms. Norman was sitting in front of table dozens of papers littering the table.

The Asian man spoke "we could get a train on our side giving him temp V to win his race with electro, we do need a inside man, the last spy lost contact from us".

"Can can't do that Lee, A-train certainly isn't trustworthy, he's just like the rest of the seven, he'll turn us faster than himself to vought to remain apart of the seven".

Lee nodded, in agreement "there's another option, man-wolf, replacement of lamplighter he's only been in the 7 for a couple of months now and he's already confronted the hero Behemoth and blue hawk on crimes they've committed, there currently in trial, of course none of it would have happened if I didn't step in but John provided the evidence to get them to court in the first, John Jameson now has been seen as a holy symbol of the seven, a right and good person standing up to injustice, and voughts been riding his success ever since, his popularity has been tripled ever since even competing with homelander, from what I can tell he's sincere person".

The butler speaks up "excuse me Mr Osborn, the guest has arrived".

Norman thanks Barnard, and within a few minutes a man with a thick beard and a leather coat enters the room, the room stays quiet until the visitor breaks the silence "so what's all this, what does a bunch of rich c**t's want to do with little old me".

"Mr Butcher... We have invited you here to join us in our crusade to take down Vought".

Butcher scoffed "you want to take out Vought... Why".

Lee speaks "like you William, Mr Osborn cannot stand still while vought continues hurting people people they swore to protect".

"So, if you wanted to take out Vought then, why didn't you join Mallory earlier".

Norman stood up, he poured himself a cup of alcohol and spoke calmly "you see Mr Butcher me and Miss Mallory disagreed on alot of things, I won't get into the details but just know your crusade, no our crusade will be run a lot different now that Mallory has retired".

Butcher looked shocked, before returning to his persona "never knew she retired, guess that's what happens when your grandchildren get murdered by a f**king supe".

"Expect they didn't die", Norman proclaimed, "Mr Lee here rescued the children just in time, and fought lamplighter off".

"And how the f**k can he do that... You a supe?", asking the question directly at Lee with disgust in his eyes.

"Nothing like, it's actually the help of the brilliant mind and funding of Mr Osborn, creating machines that makes the average man be able to compete with a supe", Lee explained calmly and reserved

"Bulls**t, let me see then", Butcher said with eyes of curiosity and excitement for the possible chance of rivalling a supe.

Norman finished his drink and gestured for Butcher to have a drink with him, who in return ignored his gesture asking the same question.

The billionaire inventor sighed "these devices that oscorp produces a created with myself, and my most trusted colleagues, a security threat occured a year ago forcing me to fire my most intelligent scientist, I thought he was trustworthy but he was feeding Vought and the public information, luckily I wasn't as bold as a am today so they didn't find much, I only give these devices that are made to trusted friends, you Mr Butcher do have the ambition, intelligence and the will to use my machines effectively, but you do not have the responsibility to handle my machine with care... Not yet".

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