Chapter 8

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A sound of an alarm is heard, as Flash Thompson silences it, he gets up and stared at the alarm clock, 6am it says, he sighs immediately reaching for his phone. It lights up with a few notifications but 1 of note that flash only really cares about, liz Allen. It had informed Eugene that Mark hadn't returned home like he usually does, her parents aren't worried as they are sick of his behaviour as well as him being an adult so they don't legally need to care about his location.

"I'm sure he's fine, if your really worried I could ditch today and go looking for him".

After about 20 minutes where Eugene had showered, eat breakfast and changed into to gym attaire, all in his little motor home RV, a place he hated. He always thought to himself that he'd escape this hell hole and buy a mansion when he could afford it, but for now he'll just have to endure. When he was about to go on his morning jog a virabration from his phone alerted him to get his phone, it was liz.

"No, I think I'm getting worked up for nothing, it's just he's been sober, well be told he's been sober for over a few weeks now, I'm scared what might happen to him, my mum and dad are thinking about kicking him out".

"That sucks marks a good guy just needs to get his head out of his a**".

"Family is family, take care".

Eugene eyes are drawn to his mothers trailer, a run down motor home that's barely functioning, he receives flashes of memories of his child hood, an absent father. Constant bullying about what he wore, his smell, and everytime a skinny little dork always stood by him, he feels almost guilty about what puts Peter through nowadays. Though he feels rage and anger about how his mother could have prevented his bullying, her financial decisions caused both them to live in a dump, and how she could have prevented his father from leaving but at the end of the day, he couldn't in his right of mind ever blame his mother. His attention is brought back to reality he leaves liz one last text before continuing his morning routine.

"Whatever you need you can call, I'll be there in a flash".

Hours passed and Eugene is seen chewing gum in class, he looks outside of the window seeing a school bus preparing to leave with students, to a science trip. In the bus he sees Peter talking to someone who flash presumes to be Harry, he looks in the distance his eyes following the bus when it leaves. He feels is phone going off, so he takes it out seeing another text from liz.

"Eugene, I need your help, it's mark he's come back but he's acting different".

"Where are you" he texts back

"At home".

Eugene no hesitation pats a person's shoulder, a 'friend', that was next to him.

"Tell the teach I'm leaving".


"It doesn't matter if she asks just come up with something".

He leaves by informing everyone to shield there eyes as he opens up the window he was looking at vanishing in a blinding light, teleporting outside he begins sprinting to lizs home.

2 people are seen on the train tracks, one of them being a popular member of the 7, a train, he sat on the ground exhausted from pulling trains around for the last 2 hours. His brother who was his professional trainer as well had congratulated him in his performance, a train then has an outburst.

"Come on man... you know, I know... everyone knows I don't have a shot in hell in beating that a**hole".

"Don't say that reggie, if there is a will there's a way, don't give up man".

"It ain't about will power anymore man, the dudes base speed is mach 2, more than my prime ever was, there's no way I can keep up... unless".

Nathan interrupted his brother "I don't wanna hear anymore of that s**t, that s**t almost killed you the last time you used, your lucky it didn't cause permanent damage".

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