Chapter 14 Great Power

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Peter was still in his room it had been a few hours now since he discovered the weirdness that was happening to him, right now he was slowly getting used to his power. Right now he was holding a compass placing a finger on instrument the metal that dected north had departed from its function to move together Peters finger that was stuck to it. Along side Peter was a piece of paper, it had a drawn in table with measurements of how far his finger had to be for the dial to be attracted to the electromagnetic waves that Peter generated when he was sticking to thing rather than true north. He then compared the back of his hand compared to his finger scores to see if the surface area of his skin generated a stronger pull.

His scores were that the metal was attracted to Peter's finger if he was less than 3 inches but lost attraction from anywhere above that. He also found out the the surface area didn't really matter with his experimental process, he was gathering data for about 40 minutes producing dozens of tables. Peter was smiling the whole time while doing this, he loved the idea of him getting powers, though he'd prefer if nobody did find out. Eventually he did have to use a toilet so he walked up to his door, and suddenly not even thinking about how hard he was gripping the handle just trying to ensure he didn't get stuck to it he heard metal of the handle get dented. Looking down he saw the door handle was slightly crushed into his hands the metal that had broken off didn't seem to hurt him. Stepping back now completely surprised the door handle completely got pulled from the door, he tripped trying to put the handle back together but it was completely broken without the use a screwdriver.

Peter shakes his hands to get the metal off it being flung to the other side of the room in the process. He thought to himself.

"Super strength, yes" Peter posed in a victory pose now hyped about his powers, but he wondered how strong was he, he'll have to experiment later but for now he just has to get rid of the door handle, along with making sure Ben or may don't find out but also having to try and get a new door handle. He opened the door slightly to first know if the handle on the other side was attached to the door, thankfully it was. Then he placed a jacket over the door which covered both sides so you wouldn't be able to tell with a glance that anything was wrong. Still needing to use a toilet he did, once he returned he changed his bed,after the long day he had he once again layed down on his bed. Looking around he remembered his bag, now giving it a proper look it seemed slightly damaged. Getting off his bed he returned with the bag taking out his phone fearing the worst only for it to come to reality seeing his phone was cracked. Almost yelling out a swear he stopped himself, at least whatever happened to him had overcome the sensation of anger he was feeling. At least it worked, others probably weren't as lucky as he was, following the worst pain of his life with super powers sure was worth it.

Even better, when he turned on his phone like Harry implied gwen had texted him, it was text message that waa sent literally sent a few hours. Looking back on the chat gwen had messaged 30 minutes after he was carried home and then every couple hours after hour. He felt like a sc*m bag keeping gwen on red like this, he just replied to gwens last text which was.

"Heard word from Harry that your okay, thats good, just wondering if your hurt or anything".

Peter quickly texted "Sory this ws the first ive seen my phone all day".

Peter also texted "felt the worst I'd had felt but now I feel pretty great, better than ever actually".

Gwen had replied surprisingly fast, while Peter was relaxing in the mean time just thinking about what he's gonna do with the door.

"So your okay".

"Yeah, maybe we could meet up at school on Monday to talk about the project your doing". Peter texted now having a new found confidence because of his powers.

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